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Issues / 05/15 Print

Detection of proviral DNA of bovine leucose virus in ticks

UDC 619: 616: 98: 578.

Gendzhieva O.B., Rudenko A.V., Basangova R.V., Ubushieva A.V., Gendzhiev A.Ia., oiseikina L.G.

Summary. Regular full charges of ticks from animals during the year defined seasonal population dynamics of ticks in a certain area. Molecular genetic analysis of ticks for the detection of proviral DNA of bovine leucose virus was conducted. Computerized diagnosis system for detection of proviral DNA of bovine leucose in ticks and animal blood using instrument Rotor-Gene 6000 Real-time was applied. Polymerase chain reaction with hybridization fluorescence detection was used to identify the DNA provirus. Proviral DNA of bovine leucose virus (BLV) in Ixodes ticks at the territory of the Republic of Kalmykia was studied in PCR in realtime. Also the analysis of the blood of test animals by PCR in real time was made for the purpose of detecting carriers of the pathogen of BLV. Specific part of the DNA of bovine leucose provirus was detected in Ixodidae ticks Hyalomma marginatum and Hyalomma scupense. Serological and genetic testing confirmed the infection of cows with bovine leukemia. It revealed that BLV proviral DNA was found in ticks of the species Hyalomma marginatum, Hyalomma scupense in farms where cows are reacting to BLV in PCR analysis. Frequency of provirus in ticks and the number of cows that respond in PCR for BLV was determined. PCR analysis of blood of cows for the presence of BLV showed that there is a relationship between the frequency of occurrence of the BLV provirus and the number of cows, positively responding to the virus.

Key words: ticks, Нyalomma marginatum, Нyalomma scupense, molecular analisis, polymerase chain reaction, detection, proviral DNA, vector-borne path, bovine leucose virus, infection, epizootology.


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Author affiliation:

Rudenko Anatolii V., docent of the department of zootechnics and veterinary medicine of the Kalmyk State University; 11, Pushkina st., Elista,358000; phone: 8(84722)41005; e-mail:

Basangova Rada V., post-graduate student of the department of zootechnics and veterinary medicine of the Kalmyk State University; 11, Pushkina st., Elista, 358000; phone: 8(962)773-98-28; e-mail:

Ubushieva Altana V., post-graduate student of the department of zootechnics and veterinary medicine of the Kalmyk State University; 11, Pushkina st., Elista, 358000; phone: 8(927)598-05-67; e-mail:

Gendzhiev Aleksander Ia., post-graduate student of the department of zootechnics and veterinary medicine of the Kalmyk State University; 11, Pushkina st., Elista, 358000; phone: 8(84722)41005; e-mail:

Moiseikina Liudmila G., professor of the department of zootechnics and veterinary medicine of the Kalmyk State University; 11, Pushkina st., Elista, 358000; phone: 8(84722)41005; e-mail:

Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Gendzhieva Olga B., docent of the department of zootechnics and veterinary medicine of the Kalmyk State University; 11, Pushkina st., Elista, 358000; phone: 8(927)645-87-74;


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