Scientific and practical journal «Veterinaria Kubani» has been published since 2003. Journal has been included into the list of the leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications, in which main results of dissertations on competition of academic degrees of D.Sc. and Ph.D. in Biology, Veterinary Medicine and Agriculture should be published since 2010 and in International Database «AGRIS» since 2015. Scientific profile affects entire spectrum of such a broad area of human knowledge and activity, as veterinary medicine. Here you can find current information on exotic animal diseases, share experiences with colleagues on surgical treatment of pathologies, answer urgent questions of diagnostics, find out about conferences, development of modern equipment, honoring of distinguished people who have dedicated their life to difficult, but so necessary to society profession – veterinary surgeon. Founder and Publisher Krasnodar Regional Public Veterinary Organization Address of editorial office 15/1, Kalinina st., Krasnodar, Russia, 350004; phone/fax: (861) 221-63-77; e-mail: vetkuban@mail.ru Journal is registered in the Ministry of the Russian Federation on Press Affairs, Broadcasting and Mass Communication Certificate on registration of printed edition N° 77-17243 from December 26, 2003.