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Author affiliation Gulyukin Mikhail I., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, professor, academician of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, director of the Kovalenko All-Russian Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine; 24/1, Ryazansky ave., Moscow, 109428; phone: 8(495)9700368; e-mail: viev@mail.ru. Ivanova Lyudmila A., Ph.D. in Biology, leading scientific researcher of the laboratory of leucosis of the Kovalenko All-Russian Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine; 24/1, Ryazansky ave., Moscow, 109428; phone: 8(495)9700366; e-mail: viev@mail.ru. Gendzhieva Olga B., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, senior lecturer of the department of zootechny of the Kalmyk state university; phone: 8(847)2239038; e-mail: gend_olga@mail.ru. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Kozyreva Nataliya G., junior scientific researcher of the laboratory of leucosis of the Kovalenko All-Russian Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine; 24/1, Ryazansky ave., Moscow, 109428; phone: 8(495)9700366, 8-915-113-75-00; e-mail: nk07-73@rambler.ru.