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Author affiliation Motorygin Anton V., post-graduate student of the department of infectious and parasitic diseases of the Moscow State University of Food Production; 61/19, Usachyeva st., Moscow, 115048; 8(916)9222455; e-mail: hystology@yandex.ru. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Sklyarov Oleg D., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, senior scientific assistant, head of the department of quality and standardization of immunological medical products for animals of the All-Russian State Center for Quality and Standardization of Animal Medications and Forages; the; 12/20, Manikhino experimental industrial farm, Ivanovo vllg., Istrinsky district, Moscow area, 143541; phone: 8(499)2560477; e-mail:scliarov@yandex.ru.