УДК 619:616-07(08):616.6 DOI 10.33861/2071-8020-2024-6-53-57 Ushakova T.M., Chichilenko V. S., Derezina T. N. Summary. The existing protocols for the correction of cystolithiasis in cats are extremely limited, since they do not take into account the role of oxidative stress in the pathogenesis of this disease and the possibility of using antioxidants to suppress the inflammatory process, optimize oxidative metabolism of the cell and improve the microcirculation of the urogenital tract. Analysis of hematological parameters of blood serum and electrolyte metabolism under the influence of antioxidant agents will allow developing an effective multimodal treatment protocol for struvite cystolithiasis in cats. The aim of the presented studies was to study the nature of hematopoiesis and the level of mineral metabolism in cats with signs of struvite cystolithiasis, as well as the degree of intercorrelation between iron metabolism markers and red blood cell indices in dynamics under the influence of antioxidant agents. The object of the study is 30 cats with clinical manifestations of struvite cystolithiasis. Standard methods of hematological and biochemical analysis of blood serum, statistical methods were used in the studies. In the experimental animals, the development of anemic syndrome, inflammatory process in the urogenital tract, hyperphosphatemia, hyperosmolarity of blood serum and hypomagnesemia were established during the initial examination. Optimization of hematopoiesis, resolution of the inflammatory process, restoration of water-electrolyte metabolism were revealed after the experiment. The use of the proposed correction algorithm using antioxidant agents for cystolithiasis in cats contributes to the normalization of red blood cell counts (RBC, HGB, HCT, RDW-CV, RDW-SD) and leukocyte counts (WBC, Neu#, Neu%), as well as reticulocyte indices (RET# and HFR) due to the activation of hematopoiesis in hematopoietic tissue. The use of the developed correction scheme contributed to the optimization of water-salt metabolism in the experimental animals (P+3, Cl-, blood serum osmolarity, Fe+2, Mg+2). The revealed inverse correlation of the erythrocyte volume and hemoglobin equivalent in sick animals acquired a direct relationship after the experiment, and the direct relationship between the erythrocyte volume and the average hemoglobin concentration in the erythrocyte changed to an inverse one. The obtained data expand the list of existing protocols for the treatment of struvite cystolithiasis with intravesical localization of sand in cats. Keywords: hematological parameters of blood serum, cystolithiasis, cats, electrolyte metabolism, antioxidant agents, correlative relationships, iron metabolism markers. Author affiliation: Ushakova Tatyana M., Ph. D. in Veterinary Medicine, Docent, Head of the Department of Therapy and Propaedeutics of the Don State Agrarian University; 24, Krivoshlykova st., Persianovsky, Rostov region, 346493; phone: 8-928-6055873; e-mail: tanja_0802@mail.ru. Derezina Tatyana N., D. Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, Professor, Head of the Department of Biology and General Pathology of the Don State Technical University; 1, Gagarina sq., Rostov-on-Don, Rostov region, 344000; phone: 8-903-4351237; e-mail: derezinasovet@mail.ru. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Chichilenko Vitaly S., postgraduate student of the Don State Agrarian University; 24, Krivoshlykovast.,Persianovsky,Rostovregion,346493;phone:8-999-9667257;e-mail: chichilenko.vitaliy@mail.ru.