УДК: 619.614:636.5:621. DOI 10.33861/2071-8020-2024-6-35-37 Makhieva B. M., Dagaeva A. B. Summary. The article provides data on the content of free amino acids in the whole blood of control and chickens with eimeriosis. Analysis of the content of individual free amino acids in the whole blood of experimental chickens in the dynamics of the disease showed that certain changes occurred in their concentration. Eimerioses are widespread in Dagestan and occupy a leading position among bird diseases of parasitic etiology, registered in the region. Epizootics of chicken eimeriosis cause great economic damage to poultry farms due to mass mortality of chickens. However, many issues of the eimeriosis problem have not been sufficiently studied. Eimeria is still a serious parasitic enemy for poultry farming, taking advantage of the slightest shortcomings and violations of veterinary and sanitary rules of keeping, feeding, caring and breeding birds. Epizootic safety of poultry farms, mainly, depends on the health of the poultry population. In chickens, infected with Eimeria, 13 free amino acids were detected in the blood. However, as the disease progressed, a gradual increase of the total amount of free amino acids was observed. Constructive deep disturbances of the amino- acid composition of the blood of chickens were revealed, occurring on the 6th day after infection with 100 thou Eimeria tenella oocysts - 25,63 ± 1,99 mg% and 26,51 ± 1,71 mg% after infection with 150 thou oocysts of Eimeria tenella. They were expressed in a sharp increase of the total amount and discoordination of individual amino acids, and this coincided with the period of greatest severity of the disease and the time of manifestation of typical clinical signs of eimeriosis. Considering the important role of amino acids in the life of the body, studying of their levels in the dynamics of disease development is of particular importance for a deeper understanding of the pathogenesis and clinical picture of eimeriosis. These data may have additional diagnostic and prognostic value. Keywords: chickens, eimeriosis, oocyst, blood, amino acids, infection, age, metabolism, breed. Author affiliation: Dagaeva Asiyat B., Scientific Researcher of the Caspian Zonal Scientific Research Veterinary Institute; 88, Dakhadaeva st., Makhachkala, Republic of Dagestan, 367000. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Makhieva Bakhu M., Ph. D. in Veterinary Medicine, Leading Scientific Researcher of the Laboratory for the study of invasive diseases of agricultural animals and poultry of the Caspian Zonal Scientific Research Veterinary Institute - branch of the Federal Agrarian Scientific Center of the Republic of Dagestan; 88, Dakhadaeva st., Makhachkala, Republic of Dagestan, 367000; e-mail: bahumahieva66@gmail.com.