rus eng
Issues / 06/23 Print

Experimental data on the use of acyclovir to therapy herpesvirus disease in siberian sturgeon juveniles

УДК 619:616.9-092.9:615.281.8:639.3.09
DOI 10.33861/2071-8020-2023-6-29-31

Shchelkunova Yu. P., Kropocheva I. Yu., Rekordatova S. A.

Summary. The article presents the results of experimental work to identify the therapeutic effect of acyclovir against herpesvirus disease (SbSHV) in Siberian sturgeon juveniles during experimental infection. After the appearance of characteristic clinical signs of the disease, the fish were fed acyclovir with feed at a dose of 50 mg / kg of fish weight per day for 10 days. At the same time, the drug reduces the manifestation of clinical signs, increased the survival rate of fish as a result of herpesvirus infection compared with the positive control group. Data on clinical and pathoanatomic signs of the disease, duration and nature of the course of herpesvirus infection in Siberian sturgeon juveniles are presented.

Keywords: Siberian sturgeon, herpesvirus disease, acyclovir, viral diseases of fish, diagnostic of fish viral diseases, prevention, treatment, aquaculture.


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Author affiliation:

Shchelkunova Yulia P., Ph. D. in Biology, deputy head of the laboratory of ichthyopathology of the branch for the freshwater fisheries of the All-Russian Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography; 40 a, Rybnoe sttl., Dmitrovsky urban district, Moscow region, 141821; phone: 8-495-1086856; e-mail:

Kropocheva Irina Yu., leading specialist of the laboratory of ichthyopathology of the branch for the freshwater fisheries of the All-Russian Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography; 40 a, Rybnoe sttl., Dmitrovsky urban district, Moscow region, 141821; phone: 8-495-1086856; e-mail:

Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Rekordatova 31 Svetlana A., leading specialist of the laboratory of ichthyopathology of the branch for the freshwater fisheries of the All-Russian Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography; 40 a, Rybnoe sttl., Dmitrovsky urban district, Moscow region, 141821; phone: 8-495-1086856; e-mail:


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