УДК 9:616.127 DOI 10.33861/2071-8020-2022-6-25-27 Kostylev V.A., Bychkova V.A., Goncharova A.V. Summary. Arterial hypertension among animals with heart diseases remains an urgent problem of modern veterinary medicine. Hypertension leads to high probability of sudden cardiac death and damage to target organs (brain, eyeball, kidneys) so it creates prerequisites for a detailed study of the spread and risk factors for the occurrence and development of such a pathological condition as systemic hypertension. At present, in Russian and foreign literature are available the reports about the main causes of an increase in blood pressure, while there is no information about the prevalence of this condition among dogs with heart diseases, therefore the chosen research topic is relevant. The objects of the study were selected dogs with heart diseases who were admitted to the Department of Veterinary Surgery of the Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology -MVA by К. I. Skryabin from 2017 to 2022. For a comprehensive assessment of the condition of animals, verification of diagnosis and further treatment and monitoring of the condition of animals, general and special clinical research methods were used such as echocardiography, electrocardiography, tonometry. A group of 200 dogs was formed, based on the results of these studies. The main selection criteria were the presence of heart disease and hypertension, while animals with concomitant diseases that could lead to hypertension (chronic kidney disease, obesity, Cushing’s syndrome, etc.) were excluded. The prevalence and risk factors for the occurrence and development of arterial hypertension among dogs with heart diseases were established. Arterial hypertension was revealed in 6.94 % dogs with heart diseases, the risk factors were: age range 8 - 12 years, breeds under 15 kg and mitral valve endocardiosis. Keywords: dog, heart, heart axis (ECG), arterial hypertension, electrocardiography, echocardiography, tonometry, atrioventricular valve endocardiosis, dilated cardiomyopathy, hypertension. References: 1. Illarionova V.K. Miksomatoznaya degeneratsiya mitralnogo klapana u yorkshirskikh teryerov [Myxomatous degeneration of the mitral valve in Yorkshire terriers]. - Russian Veterinary Journal. Small domestic and wild animals. - Moscow, 2014 (3). - pp. 6-10. 2. Illarionova V.K. Ekhokardiologicheskoe issledovanie sobak v M-rezhime iz pravogo parasternalnogo dostupa [Echocardiological examination of dogs in M-mode from the right parasternal access]. - Russian Veterinary Journal. - Moscow, 2017 (8). - pp. 6-8. 3. Illarionova V.K., Denisenko V.N., Ippolitova T.V. Priobretennye poroki atrioventrikulyarnykh klapanov u sobak [Acquired defects of atrioventricular valves in dogs]. - Veterinariya. - Moscow, 2004 (11). - pp. 56-57. 4. Kostylev V.A. Osobennosti diagnostiki gipertroficheskoy kardiomiopatii koshek porody meyn-kun [Features of diagnosis of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy of Maine Coon cats]. - 2017: 6-13. 5. Kostylev V.A., Goncharova A.V., Nazimkina S.F. Kliniko-ekhokardiograficheskoe obosnovanie klassifikatsii stadiy razvitiya nedostatochnosti mitralnogo klapana u sobak [Clinical and echocardiographic substantiation of the classification of stages of development of mitral valve insufficiency in dogs]. - Bulletin of the Altai State Agrarian University. - Barnaul, 2022 (1 (207). - pp. 83-88. 6. Pozyabin S.V., Filippov Yu.I., Kozlov N.A. et al. Obshchaya veterinarnaya khirurgiya [General veterinary surgery]. - Publishing and bookselling center KolosS LLC. - Moscow, 2019. - 761 p. 7. Pozyabin S.V. Sposob lecheniya sobak, bolnykh endokardiozom mitralnogo klapana [Method of treatment of dogs with mitral valve endocardiosis]. - Patent No. 2745653 C1. - Moscow, 2021. 8-13. Vide supra. Author affiliation: Kostylev Vladislav A., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, docent of the Department of Veterinary Surgery of the Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology - MVA named after K.I. Skryabin; 23, Akademika Skryabina st., Moscow, 109472; phone: 8-916-3779698; e-mail: vetsurgery1@gmail.ru. Bychkova Viktoriya A., laboratory assistant of the Department of Veterinary Surgery of the Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology - MVA named after K.I. Skryabin; 23, Akademika Skryabina st., Moscow, 109472; e-mail: victoria.vets@yandex.ru. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Goncharova Anna V., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, docent, docent of the Department of Veterinary Surgery of the Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology - MVA named after K.I. Skryabin; 23, Akademika Skryabina st., Moscow, 109472; phone: 8-909-6729988; e-mail: annatrykhan@mail.ru.