УДК 636+619 DOI 10.33861/2071-8020-2022-6-11-13 Galiakbarova A.A., Pimenov N.V. Summary. Recently, an increasingly urgent problem is the indication of colibacillosis, which is second in importance among food zoonoses after salmonellosis. In addition to humans, young animals of various agricultural animals - pigs, horned cattle, horses, poultry, as well as fur-bearing animals -are susceptible to infection. The most effective measure to prevent colibacillosis is vaccination. Unfortunately, the immunogenic activity of domestic and foreign vaccines circulated in Russia becomes less effective over time, and, in this regard, it is necessary to search for and select new more effective strains of microorganisms for implementation in existing domestic vaccines. One of the promising ways to improve the specific prevention and treatment of escherichiosis in animals is the selection of strains-producers of adhesive antigens and enterotoxins, their isolation from bacterial cells and the creation of component preparations based on them with high protective and preventive properties. Vaccines consisting of individual immunogenic components of a bacterial cell are not only more effective, but also less reactogenic than vaccines from whole cells. Obtained data confirmed that the more adhesins are in the strain, the higher are the antibody titers, the more immunogenic properties this isolate has and the higher is the preventive activity. The results of high immunogenicity of the epizootic strains of Escherichia coli obtained by us, producers of adhesins, were confirmed by studies of the protective properties of sera obtained by immunizing models (rabbits) with prototypes of monovaccines. Keywords: Escherichia coli, strain, epizootic isolates, pathogenic biological agents, enterobacteria, colibacillosis, immunogenic activity, white mice, immunogenicity, vaccine. References: 1. Akbashev I.R., Evstifeev V.V., Gumerov V.G., Karimullina I.G., Khusainova G.I. Izuchenie antigennoy aktivnosti vaktsiny protiv IRT, VD-BS, PG-3 i khlamidioza krs na laboratornykh zhivotnykh [Study of the antigenic activity of the vaccine against RTI, VD-BS, PG-3 and bovine chlamydia in laboratory animals]. - Veterinarnyy vrach. - Kazan, 2018 (1). - pp. 29-33. 2. Abramova E.G., Kochkalova N.N., Nikiforov A.K., Butyrskiy A.Yu., Ivanov Yu.V., Sinitsyna N.V., Mikheeva T.A., Minaeva L.N., Galkina M.V., Savitskaya L.V., Generalov S.V., Kireev M.N., Sharapova N.A. Poluchenie liofilizirovannogo preparata antirabicheskogo immunoglobulina i issledovanie ego osnovnykh svoystv [Obtaining a lyophilized preparation of anti-rabies immunoglobulin and studying its main properties]. - Problemy osobo opasnykh infektsiy. - 2011 (2). - pp. 75-78. 3-13. Vide supra. Author affiliation: Pimenov Nikolay V., D.Sc. in Biology, Head of the Department of Immunology and Biotechnology of the Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology - MVA named after K.I. Skryabin; 23, Akademika Skryabina st., Moscow, 109472; e-mail: pimenov-nikolai@yandex.ru. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Galiakbarova Alsu A., scientific researcher of the Department of Bacteriology of the Russian State Center for Animal Feed and Drug Standardization and Quality/ graduate student of the Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology - MVA named after K.I. Skryabin; 23, Akademika Skryabina st., Moscow, 109472; phone: 8-915-0940959; e-mail: alsu.anvarovna.st@mail.ru.