УДК 616.15-074:616.153.455-008.61/.64:636.2. DOI 10.33861/2071-8020-2022-6-7-8 Vasileva S.V., Karpenko L.Yu. Summary. Milk production is a very energy-intensive process, and given that the rate of milk secretion increases rapidly immediately after calving, energy starvation in freshly calved cows is quite justified. Most cows in the transition period after calving have a physiologically justified negative balance. In cases where the «energy gap» is not compensated properly, a mechanism is launched in the cow’s body aimed at providing the process of oxidative metabolism by ketone bodies. Data on beta-hydroxybutyric acid and glucose content in the blood and acetone in the urine of calved cows on the fifth day after calving were studied by the authors. During the research wok the authors revealed a pattern of the relationship between indicators. An increase in the concentration of beta-hydroxybutyric acid over 1.5 mmol/l in the blood is accompanied by the release of acetone in the urine of cows, and the nature of the change in indicators is unidirectional. It was determined that at a low concentration of acetone in the urine (up to 0.5 mmol/l), a decrease in the concentration of glucose in the blood was not observed. Severe hypoglycemia in cows is detected when the content of beta-hydroxybutyric acid in the blood is from 2.3 mmol/l and at a level of ketonuria from 1.5 mmol/l and above. These research methods are currently used in some livestock farms, so it is important for practitioners to interpret the data correctly and apply the results. The studies made it possible to identify the checkpoints of the values of beta-hydroxybutyric acid in the blood, at which metabolic decompensation processes occur and ketosis begins. Key words: large horned cattle, cows, calving, glucose, beta-hydroxybutyric acid, acetone, blood test, urinalysis, ketosis, hypoglycemia. References: 1. Vasileva S.V. Vzaimosvyaz giperproduktsii beta-gidroksimaslyanoy kisloty i intensivnosti glyukoneogeneza u korov v ranniy novotelnyy period na fone subklinicheskogo i klinicheskogo ketoza [Relationship between hyperproduction of beta-hydroxybutyric acid and the intensity of gluconeogenesis in cows in the early newborn period against the background of subclinical and clinical ketosis]. - Legal regulation in veterinary medicine. - Saint-Petersburg, 2022 (3). - pp. 62-65. 2-11.Vide supra. Author affiliation: Karpenko Larisa Yu., D.Sc. in Biology, professor, Head of the Department of Biochemistry and Physiology of the St. Petersburg State University of Veterinary Medicine; 5, Chernigovskaya st., Saint-Petersburg, 196084; phone: 8-921-9981291; e-mail: l.u.karpenko@mail.ru. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Vasileva Svetlana V., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, docent of the Department of Biochemistry and Physiology of the St. Petersburg State University of Veterinary Medicine; 5, Chernigovskaya st., Saint-Petersburg, 196084; phone: 8-904-6399033; e-mail: svvet@mail.ru.