DOI 10.33861/2071-8020-2021-6-31-33 Kutlin Yu.N., Gafarova F.M., Gafarov F.A., Kutlin N.G. Summary. Helminthiases are widespread in poultry farming and especially in waterfowl, having a negative effect on the bird's organism, which is expressed in both a decrease in productivity and vitality. The urgency of the problem increases with the associative course of helminthiasis. Helminths infect the organism, cause allergies, and thus contribute to a decrease in resistance to infectious diseases. In general, the immune status is determined by the systems of T- and B-cells with their subpopulations, nonspecific defense factors. The effect of the anthelmintic drug Alben and the probiotic Vetom in the treatment of helminthiasis on the content of T- lymphocytes and B-lymphocytes in the spleen of geese was studied by the authors. Four groups of goslings were formed according to the principle of analogs. The first three were experienced with a diagnosis of invasion and the fourth (control) with healthy birds. Goslings of the first group were not treated. The birds of the second and the third groups were dewormed with Alben. The probiotic was added to the diet of goslings of the third group against the background of deworming. Deworming of geese by Alben (group 2) led to a slight increase in immune reactivity in the spleen of geese. However, their level did not reach the values of immune reactivity in healthy geese (control group 4). More effective results of treatment and restoration of the immune system were recorded in geese of group 3, which received probiotic therapy against the background of deworming. Complex therapy with the use of a probiotic against the background of deworming contributes to a significant increase in the indicator of specific resistance. Keywords: geese, lymphocytes, helminthiases, spleen, immunity, probiotic, deworming, Alben, Vetom, poultry. References: - Gafarov F.A., Kutlin Yu.N., Izilyanova I.I., Kutlin N.G. Vliyanie vneshnikh faktorov okruzhayushchey sredy na rost, razvitie i rezistentnost organizma tsyplyat [Influence of external environmental factors on the growth, development and resistance of the organisms of chickens]. - Birsk, 2018. - pp. 237-241.
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- 12-13. Vide supra.
Author affiliation: Gafarova Fatyma M., Ph.D. in Agriculture, docent of the Department of physiology, biochemistry and animal feeding of the Bashkir State Agrarian University; 34, 50 let Oktyabrya, Ufa, Bashkortostan, 450001; phone: 8-347-2280717; e-mail: fanus.ga1959@mail.ru. Gafarov Fanus A., Ph.D. in Agriculture, docent of the Department of technology of meat, dairy products and chemistry of the Bashkir State Agrarian University; 34, 50 let Oktyabrya, Ufa, Bashkortostan, 450001; phone: 8-347-2280717; e-mail: fanus.ga1959@mail.ru. Kutlin Nikolay G., D.Sc. in Biology, professor of the Department of biology, ecology and chemistry of the Birsk branch of the Bashkir State University; 10, Internatsionalnaya st., Birsk, Republic of Bashkortostan, 452453; phone: 8-937-3294159, e-mail: kutlin52@list.ru/ Responsible for correspondence with editorial board: Kutlin Yury N., Ph.D. in Biology, docent of the Department of Biology, Ecology and Chemistry of the Birsk branch of the Bashkir State University; 10, Internatsionalnaya st., Birsk, Republic of Bashkortostan, 452453; phone: 8-987-4883914; e-mail: yura-0481@mail.ru.