DO110.33861/2071-8020-2021-6-28-30 Zabashta N.N., Miroshnichenko P.V., Lisovitskaya E.P. Summary. Today, it is very relevant and promising to search for and isolate such microorganisms from the environment that are able to correct the intestinal microflora of the organism and have a positive effect on its growth, health, quality and safety of meat products that meet the necessary requirements for use in food production. The aim of the research was to study the effect of the probiotic Prolaxim-V on health indicators, growth, and the state of the intestinal microbiocenosis of pigs. The method developed by the authors for correcting the intestinal microbiocenosis of pigs by introducing a probiotic supplement into the diets based on strains of lactobacilli isolated from pigs of the local population, for the first time in the scientific and practical terms, made it possible to solve the problem of improving the quality of raw meat in terms of organoleptic, physicochemical, and biochemical parameters necessary for food production. The efficiency of the use of the feed additive Prolaxim-V for growing pigs on feed affected by micromycetes has been proven. The introduction of the feed additive Prolaxim-V into the animal feed contaminated with micromycetes at the rate of 10 ml per 1 head every other day completely prevented a decrease in the live weight increase of pigs. An improvement in the quality and safety of meat raw materials from animals that received unsatisfactory feed with the addition of sourdough was noted. It has been established that the use of the additive makes it possible to obtain high-quality, in vivo enriched with biologically active nutrients, safe raw meat for the production of food. Thus, the authors developed a method for using a new probiotic in the form of a liquid feed additive containing lactobacilli, as a way to correct intestinal microflora. Keywords: pigs, live weight gain, meat quality, diet, feed additive, probiotic, microorganisms, microbiocenosis, lactobacilli, micromycetes. References: - Bondarenko V.M., Gracheva N.M. Preparaty probiotiki, prebiotiki i sinbiotiki v terapii i profilaktike kishechnykh disbakteriozov [Probiotics, prebiotics and synbiotics in the treatment and prevention of intestinal dysbiosis]. - Farmateka. - 2003 (7). - p. 56.
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- Vide supra.
Author affiliation: Zabashta Nikolay N., D.Sc. in Agriculture, leading scientific researcher, docent, head of the department of toxicology and feed quality, head of Argus IC of the Krasnodar Scientific Center for Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine, professor, head of the department of technology, storage and processing of livestock products of the Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin; 4, Pervomayskaya st., Znamensky sttl., Krasnodar, 350055; phone: 8-918-4400956; e-mail: n.zabashta@bk.ru. Miroshnichenko Petr V., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, leading scientific researcher, head of the department of epizootology, mycology and veterinary sanitary expertise of the Krasnodar Scientific Center for Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine; 1, 1 Liniya st., Krasnodar, 350004; phone: 8-918-4470155; e-mail: mpetrvas@mail.ru. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Lisovitskaya Ekaterina P., Ph.D. in Technics, senior scientific researcher of the department of epizootology, mycology and veterinary sanitary expertise of the Krasnodar Scientific Center for Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine; 1, 1 Liniya st., Krasnodar, 350004; phone: 8-952-8253705; e-mail: lisovickaya.ekaterina@mail.ru.