DOI 1033861/2071-8020-2021-6-25-27 Ustarov R.D. Summary. One of the most significant factors, affecting the development of sheep breeding in the Republic of Dagestan, is the distant pasture system of sheep keeping, when to the end of spring the sheep are driven on the foothill and mountain zones for free grazing in the meadows, and in the early to mid-autumn they are driven back on the plain zone for keeping in the cold season. These periods are key in the region for the implementation of therapeutic and prophylactic measures against ectoparasites of small ruminants, including psoroptosis of sheep and goats. Despite the antiparasitic measures carried out in the republic, no significant progress has been achieved of the fight against psoroptosis in small ruminants. The reason for this is, as a violation of the rules, terms, techniques of carrying out of treatment and prophylactic measures, and the lack of scientifically based knowledge on the effectiveness of acaricidal drugs specifically against Psoroptes ovis. Also, this can include the use of old preparations based on active substances of past generations, beginning or already causing resistance in parasites. In connection with the above, the determination of the comparative economic efficiency of modern acaricidal agents of the pyrethroid group in psoroptosis of sheep is of scientific and practical importance. According to estimates, the total damage, excluding the costs of conducting veterinary measures, caused by Psoroptes ovis in a 30-day period amounted to 90 heads of sheep after application of Butox - 0, Rateid - 1 705 rubles, control group treated with water - 9 990 rubles. Thus, it can be considered that in a comparative aspect, the acaricidal agent Butox is on 17% more cost-effective than the Rateid agent. The main reason for this difference is the active ingredient of Butox (deltamethrin), when in Rateid the main active ingredient is cypermethrin. The above calculations on the economic damage, caused by psoroptosis to sheep-breeding farms are approximate, but they show with sufficient clarity the advisability of timely implementation of therapeutic measures. Also, competent and scientifically grounded selection of preparations plays an important role in any veterinary activities. Keywords: small ruminants, sheep, psoroptosis, economic damage, purchasing agent, acaricide, butox, raheid, pyrethroid, deltamethrin. References: - Almukhanov S.G., Ashetova I.N., Berezkina S.V. Kleshchi Psoroptes ovis ovtsa-averttin [Psoroptes ovis mites sheep-avertin]. - Moscow, 1998. - p. 3.
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Author affiliation: Ustarov Rasul D., senior scientific researcher of the Laboratory for the Study of Invasive Diseases of Farm Animals and Poultry of the Caspian Zonal Research Veterinary Institute - branch of the Federal Agrarian Scientific Center of the Republic of Dagestan; 88, Dakhadaeva st., Makhachkala, Republic of Dagestan, 367000; phone: 8-988-2900280; e-mail: vetvrach85@gmail.com. 