DOI 10.33861/2071-8020-2020-6-38-42 Semenov V.A. Summary. Pregnancy is the most important period in the life of cetaceans, including those kept in captivity, associated with the growth and development of the fetus. The timely diagnosis of pregnancy, establishment of its exact term, features of the course and the prevention of the onset of dystocia - difficult childbirth caused by the presence of abnormalities in the fetus or mother - are becoming more and more urgent. The most common cause of difficult labor is obstruction of the labor act due to fetal abnormalities with large fetuses or incorrect presentation. Difficulty in labor due to maternal pathology may result from the presence of a too narrow pelvis in the female, weak contraction of the uterine muscles, or insufficient dilatation of the cervix during childbirth. The authors studied the distribution and etiological factors of the onset of dystocia in female Black Sea bottlenose dolphins. One of the main indicators of good conditions for keeping wild animals, including dolphins, is the production of offspring, since stress and unsatisfactory conditions of keeping, feeding, etc. negatively affect the reproductive ability. Studies to clarify the causes of difficult childbirth in female Black Sea bottlenose dolphins showed that in the anamnesis 51-60% of females previously recorded and treated intestinal dysbiosis caused by increased gastric acidity or abnormal liver function due to damage to its cells during toxicosis. Research data have shown that microorganisms in the distal intestine of wild bottlenose dolphins are represented mainly by the same species that are found in other animals and humans. The largest numbers in feces were non-hemolytic bacteria from the E. coli group, lactic acid bacteria and clostridia. In captivity, including pregnant bottlenose dolphins, coliform bacteria, as well as staphylococci, clostridia, bifidobacteria, lactic acid bacteria, streptococci were detected in the rectum. The authors found that the possible reasons for the development of dysbiosis in pregnant Black Sea bottlenose dolphins females include increased stomach acidity, the development of toxicosis or the appearance of diseases leading to liver dysfunction. Keywords: bottlenose dolphin, pregnancy, fetus, dysbiosis, dystocia, ultrasound examination, microorganisms, colony-forming units, neutrophils, alanine transaminase, delivery, toxicosis. References: 1. Ashmarin I.P., Vorobyev A.A. Statisticheskie metody v mikrobiologicheskikh issledovaniyakh [Statistical methods in microbiological research]. - Leningrad, 1962: 261 p. 2. Bochkov I.A., Trofimova O.D., Darbeeva O.S. et al. Uproshchennaya metodika podscheta mikroorganizmov pri izuchenii autoflory cheloveka [Simplified method for counting microorganisms in study of human autoflora]. - Laboratornoe delo. - 1989 (6). - pp. 43-47. 3. Zanin A.V. Osobennosti povedeniya afalin soderzhashchikhsya v nevole [Peculiarities of behavior of bottlenose dolphins kept in captivity]. - Astrakhan, 1982: 126-127. 4. Rodin I.A., Beloborodenko A.M., Beloborodenko T.A., Beloborodenko M.A. Bolezni dikikh zhivotnykh [Diseases of wild animals]. - Tyumen, 2018: 219 p. 5. Fedorov R.V., Fedorova E.R. Bakteriologicheskaya diagnostika disbakterioza [Bacteriological diagnostics of dysbiosis]. - Kazan, 1989: 56 p. 6. Shenderov B.A. Meditsinskaya mikrobnaya ekologiya i funktsionalnoe pitanie [Medical microbial ecology and functional nutrition]. - Moscow, 1998: 20 p. 7-10. Vide supra. Author affiliation: Semenov Vladimir A., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, veterinarian of the Gelendzhik Delfinary; 130, Lunacharskogo st., Gelendzhik, 353460; e-mail: vl_mr@mail.ru - responsible for correspondence with the editorial board.