DOI 10.33861/2071-8020-2020-6-35-37 Ovchinnikov D.K., Grechko V.V. Summary. The spleen is an unpaired parenchymal organ located in the abdominal cavity, performing immunological, filtration and hematopoietic functions and, in connection with the listed functional features, plays an essential role in the organism. Authors obtained detailed information on the arterial vascularization of the spleen of fur-bearing animals of Carnivora, since the information available in the special literature on the morphological aspects of the blood supply of the named organ is fragmentary. A comprehensive study of the spleen was carried out, which made it possible to confirm the general morphological patterns, to reveal the characteristic specific and intraspecific features of the vascularization of the spleen in fur-bearing animals in cages. The new data obtained on the morphology of the vessels vascularizing the spleen are original and give a complete picture of the organ. Analyzing the material obtained from own research, and comparing it with information from special literature, allows to assert that the blood supply to the spleen in fur-bearing animals of cellular content (silver-black fox, blue fox, sable and American mink) is carried out through the splenic artery, which also gives off branches to the stomach, pancreas and great omentum. If in the methods of branching of the splenic artery in the studied animals we note a great similarity, then in the number of branches branching from it there are significant differences. As a result of the study, it was found that the spleen is vascularized by the splenic artery extending from the celiac artery. Keywords: arteries, vascularization, spleen, order Carnivora, fur-bearing animals, cage content, abdominal cavity, morphological methods, histology. References: 1. Bannikova M.A. Morfologiya i krovosnabzhenie selezenki u maralov v vozrastnom aspekte [Morphology and blood supply of spleen in marals in age aspect]. - Barnaul, 2004. - 18 p. 2. Brykova T.S., Yagmurov O.D. Stroenie i funktsii selezenki [Spleen structure and function]. - Morfologiya. - Moscow, 1993 (5-6). - pp. 142-160. 3. Vishnevskaya T.Ya., Shevchenko B.P. Arterialnye sosudy selezenki ovtsy [Sheep spleen arterial vessels]. - Vestnik veterinarii. - Orenburg, 2002. - pp. 4144 4. Galantsev V.P., Gulyaeva E.P. Nekotorye funktsionalnye i morfologicheskie osobennosti krovenosnoy sistemy norok v svyazi s ikh obrazom zhizni [Some functional and morphological features of circulatory system of minks in connection with lifestyle]. - 1967: 15-19 5. Zherebtsov N.A. Anatomiya selskokhozyaystvennykh zhivotnykh [Anatomy of farm animals]. - Ulyanovsk: GSKHA, 2002. - pp. 138-140 6. Lipunova E.A., Skorkina M.Yu. Fiziologiya krovi [Blood physiology]. - BelGU. - Belgorod, 2007. - 342 p. 7. Nurushev M.Zh., Shevchenko B.P., Seitov M.S. Vozrastnaya biologiya organov vnutrenney sekretsii i gemotsitopoeza [Age biology of the organs of internal secretion and hemocytopoiesis]. - Kokshetau, 2011: 119-122. 8. Polyankin N.Ya. Selezenochnye arterialnye doli i segmenty u nekotorykh selskokhozyaystvennykh zhivotnykh [Splenic arterial lobes and segments in some farm animals]. - Tashkent, 1974: 300-301. 9. Chkholariya N.D. Krovenosnye sosudy selezenki [Spleen blood vessels]. - Tbilisi, 1964: 23 p. 10-12. Vide supra. Author affiliation: Grechko Viktor V., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, docent, docent of the department of diagnostics, internal non-communicable diseases, pharmacology, surgery and obstetrics of the Institute of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology of the Omsk State Agrarian University named after P.A. Stolypin; 92, Oktyabrskaya st., Omsk, 644122; phone: 8-908-3131491; e-mail: vg_1988@mail.ru. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Ovchinnikov Dmitriy K., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, docent, docent of the department of ecology, nature management and biology of the Omsk State Agrarian University named after P.A. Stolypin; 92, Oktyabrskaya st., Omsk, 644122; phone: 8-3812-389631; e-mail: biolog-ivm@mail.ru.