DOI 10.33861/2071-8020-2020-6-33-34 Semikrasova A.N., Petrova I.V., Zhilina K.V., Popov D.V. Summary. High resistance of the caged sable to infectious diseases was noted during the long-term practice of fur-bearing animals breeding. But in recent years, local epizootics in sables, manifested by enteritis, have increasingly begun to appear in fur farms. Parvovirus enteritis was established in the laboratory study of pathological material from sick animals by PCR and RHA. The causative agent of this disease is a virus belonging to the Parvoviridae family, the genome of which is represented by single-stranded DNA. The structure of the virion makes all parvoviruses very stable in the external environment. Carnivore parvoviruses penetrate almost all cells of the body, and reproduce only in the most mitotically active tissues, which is the constantly reproducing intestinal epithelium. Parvoviruses are characterized, on the one hand, by a high (up to 98.5%) degree of genome identity and, on the other hand, by pronounced antigenic variability and genomic polymorphism. This indicates the possibility of interspecific transmission and damage to side (random) hosts, which can serve as a reservoir for recombination and selection of strains with new antigenic properties and species tropism. Since 2017, employees of the Research Institute of Fur-Bearing and Rabbit Breeding named after V.A. Afanasyev, monitoring studies are carried out in various animal farms of the Russian Federation, where sable is bred and from pathological material from sables that have died with clinical signs of enteritis, the DNA of parvovirus is often isolated by PCR. Since the totality of the data obtained suggests the danger of the disease for the unique Russian sable with parvovirus enteritis, the study of morphological and functional changes in sables is an urgent task. Keywords: sable, parvovirus, enteritis, histology, pathological changes, ballooning cells, RHA, PCR, hematological studies, diagnostics, intestines. References: 1. Ulasov V.I. Veterinarnye problemy pushnogo zverovodstva [Veterinary problems of fur farming]. - Veterinariya. - Moscow, 2008 (5). - p. 3. 2. Vlasov N.A., Ulasov V.I. Parvovirusy plotoyadnykh i vyzyvayemyye imi bolezni [Carnivore parvoviruses and diseases caused by them]. - Ul'yanovsk. - 2000. - 35 p. 3. Semikrasova A.N., Petrova I.V., Grishina L.E., Kosovskiy G.Yu. Izuchenie etiologii enterita kletochnykh soboley [Study of etiology of enteritis in cell sables]. - Krolikovodstvo i zverovodstvo. - 2018 (6). - pp. 16-19. 4. Semikrasova A.N., Petrova I.V., Zhilina K.V., Grishina L.E., Kosovskiy G.Yu. Parvovirusnyy enterit soboley [Parvovirus enteritis of sables]. - Natural and technical sciences. - Moscow, 2019 (10). - pp. 85-86. Author affiliation: Petrova Irina V., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, senior scientific researcher of the Scientific Research Institute of Fur-Bearing Animal Breeding and Rabbit Breeding named after V.A. Afanasyev; 6, Trudovaya st., Rodniki sttl., Ramensky district, Moscow region, 140143; phone: 8-496-4648681; e-mail: niipzk@mail.ru. Zhilina Kseniya V., junior scientific researcher of the Scientific Research Institute of Fur-Bearing Animal Breeding and Rabbit Breeding named after V.A. Afanasyev; 6, Trudovaya st., Rodniki sttl., Ramensky district, Moscow region, 140143; phone: 8-496-4648681; e-mail: niipzk@mail.ru. Popov Dmitry V., Ph.D. in Biology, leading scientific researcher, Head of the Department of the Biotechnology of the Scientific Research Institute of Fur-Bearing Animal Breeding and Rabbit Breeding named after V.A. Afanasyev; 6, Trudovaya st., Rodniki sttl., Ramensky district, Moscow region, 140143; phone: 8-496-4648681; e-mail: niipzk@mail.ru. Ответственный за переписку с редакцией: Semikrasova Alla N., Ph.D. in Biology, leading scientific researcher of the Scientific Research Institute of FurBearing Animal Breeding and Rabbit Breeding named after V.A. Afanasyev; 6, Trudovaya st., Rodniki sttl., Ramensky district, Moscow region, 140143; phone: 8-496-4648681; e-mail: niipzk-vet@mail.ru.