DOI 10.33861/2071-8020-2020-6-23-24 Kabardiev S.Sh., Bittirov A.M. Summary. Sheep fascioliasis occurs with an extent of invasion in the range of 23-38% with an intensity of invasion of 1-48 specimens per animal in the regions of the North Caucasus. The most infested places with trematodes were pastures (84.0% of contaminated soil samples), and small pastures near natural water bodies (73.5% of contaminated soil samples), forest-shrub forb pastures located along the continuation of wind-sheltered forest belts (60.0% of soil samples). Researchers have found that the least contaminated with Fasciola hepatica eggs are herb meadow pastures (35.0% of soil samples) and cultivated pastures made from a mixture of Sudanese grass and clover (12.0% of contaminated soil samples). In samples per 1 g of soil, eggs of trematodes were found on average 113.2±6.0 specimens, that is, 2.4 times more than in feces (on average, 47.3±3.4 specimens per 1 g feces), which indicates the accumulation of viable eggs in biotopes. In this regard, the development of new complex anthelmintic preparation for the treatment and prevention of fascioliasis in sheep remains an urgent task. The authors' research consisted in testing a new complex anthelmintic drug Unifascide for sheep fascioliasis. Experimental tests of the Unifascide preparation for fascioliasis of sheep were carried out on 30 heads using the group method. Experimental and control animals (n = 30) weighing 32-36 kg were divided into 3 groups according to the principle of analogs, 10 animals per a group. Due to the results the degree of extension efficiency was 90.0 and intensity efficiency was 92.5%. The preparation is recommended for implementation in the practice of therapeutic and prophylactic deworming for chronic fascioliasis of sheep. Keywords: small ruminants, ewes, invasion, fascioliasis, trial, group method, anthelmintic, Unifascide, extent of infestation, invasion intensity, drug efficacy. References: 1. Atabieva Zh.A., Bichieva M.M., Kolodiy I.V., Bittirov A.M., Shikhalieva M.A., Sarbasheva M.M., Zhekamukhova M.Z. Prognozirovanie epizooticheskoy i epidemicheskoy situatsii po zoonoznym invaziyam na yuge Rossii [Forecasting epizootic and epidemic situation for zoonotic invasions in the south of Russia]. - Veterinarnaya patologiya. - 2012 (1 (39)). - pp. 119-122. 2. Atabieva Zh.A., Bittirova A.A., Sarbasheva M.M., Shikhaliyeva M.A., Bittirov A.M., Zhekamukhova M.Z., Maksidova Z.F., Bittirov A.M. 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Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Bittirov Anatoly M., D.Sc. in Biology, Professor of the Department of Veterinary Medicine of the Kabardino-Balkaria State Agrarian University named after V.M. Kokov; 1, Lenina st., Nalchik, Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria, 360030; phone: 8-8662-471772; e-mail: bam_58a@mail.ru.