УДК 351.765:94 DOI 10.33861/2071-8020-2019-6-4-9 Krivonos R.A., Kaloshkina I.M., Sergeeva A.A. Summary. Main milestones in the history of the emergence, formation and development of the veterinary service in Kuban are presented in the article. Originated in 1834 on the orders of chieftain to prevent contagious animal diseases in the Cossack towns and villages in Kuban veterinary service has traversed glorious path from the first paramedic station to an extensive network of veterinary experts who solve today complex problems of food security of Russia. The necessity for such a service was the imperative of the time, since serious diseases of horses and large horned cattle constantly arose. Cossacks, as defenders of the borders of the Russian Empire, constantly used horses, including as a draft force. The sale and uncontrolled movement of livestock products led to human diseases. With the advent of the first military veterinarians, veterinary paramedics, the fight against epizootics became systemic and effective. Veterinary-sanitary examination was launched in Cossack markets, due to which the number of poisonings of people with poor-quality livestock and crop products was reduced. Throughout the entire existence of the Kuban veterinary service, its employees have solved the complex tasks of preventing and eliminating of various diseases. Generations of veterinary specialists, economic formations, wars, tribulations, structural changes have changed - dedication and selfless love for the profession have remained unchanged. Thanks to this, today the veterinary service of Kuban has become one of the largest and most professional services in Russia. This is facilitated by the close relationship of scientists, educators who train veterinary personnel and veterinary specialists who daily guard the health of animals and humans. Keywords: Kuban, Cossacks, chieftain, medical unit, military veterinarian, veterinarian paramedic, epizootic control, Krasnodar region, veterinary and sanitary expertise, veterinary education. References: 1. Bayluk G.A. Veterinarnoy sluzhbe goroda Krasnodara 115 let [115 years of veterinary service of the city of Krasnodar]. - Veterinaria Kubani. - Krasnodar, 2007 (5). - p. 32. 2. Veterinarnoy sluzhbe Krasnodara 110 let. Sbornik statey, posvyashchennykh gorodskoy veterinarnoy sluzhbe [110 years of veterinary service of Krasnodar. Collection of articles dedicated to municipal veterinary service]. - Krasnodar, 2002. - pp. 3-7. 3. Veterinarnaya sluzhba Kubani - 185 let na strazhe zdorovya chelovechestva [Veterinary service in Kuban - 185 years on guard of human health]. - Effektivnoe zhivotnovodstvo. - Moscow, 2019 (2 (150)). - p. 8. 4. Istoriya veterinarii Rossii i ee subektov. Istoriya veterinarii Rossii [History of veterinary medicine in Russia and its subjects. History of veterinary medicine in Russia]. - Foliant. - Kazan, 2017. - pp. 30-33, 64-65, 66. 5. Istoriya veterinarii Rossii i ee subektov. Istoriya veterinarii subektov Rossiyskoy Federatsii [History of veterinary medicine in Russia and its subjects. History of veterinary medicine in subjects of the Russian Federation]. - Foliant. - Kazan, 2017. - pp. 172-174, 179. 6. Lysenko A.A., Sereda S.V. Veterinarnoe obrazovaniye na Kubani. 35 let fakultetu veterinarnoy meditsiny KubGAU [Veterinary education in Kuban. 35 years of the faculty of veterinary medicine of KubSAU]. - Veterinaria Kubani. - Krasnodar, 2009 (2). - p. 2. Author affiliation: Krivonos Roman A., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, Head of the Veterinary Department of Krasnodar region; 36, Rashpilevskaya st., Krasnodar, 350000; phone: 8-861-2621923; e-mail: uv@krasnodar.ru. Sergeeva Anastasiya A., specialist of the department of legal support and personnel of the Krasnodar regional station of fighting against animal diseases, press secretary of the Veterinary De-partment of Krasnodar region; 36, Rashpilevskaya st., Krasnodar, 350000; phone: 8-861-2683309; e-mail: press.uv@mail.ru. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Kaloshkina Inna M., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, head of the department of antiparasitic, veterinary and sanitary measures of the Krasnodar regional station of fighting against animal diseases; 15/1, Kalinina st., Krasnodar, 350004; phone: 8-918-4656939; e-mail: beretarinna@gmail.com.