UDC 619:615.373:658.562 Susskiy E.V., Glushchenkova Yu.A., Telishevskaya L.Ya., Laskavyy V.N., Nochevnaya T.V. Summary. High pathogenicity of swine erysipelas bacteria for animals and the risk of human infection determined the significance and relevance of the problem of mass production of active antigens and optimization of technological processes for the manufacture of blood serum against swine erysipelas that meets the requirements of domestic and international standards. Purposeful search for effective means and methods for increasing the activity of bacterial antigens was carried out during implementing the tasks. The high necessity of pig erysipelas bacteria in various amino acids, microelements, in ions of 2-valent iron with peptides and a number of other organic salts was established in recent years. The suitability and availability of the obtained antigens for the manufacture of immunobiological preparations was proven. Data on pig erysipelas bacteria necessity in ions of 2-valent iron and its participation in stimulating the reproduction of a microorganism are presented in the article. Authors determined the optimal concentration of the organic form of the iron-containing preparation Peptofer, the technological parameters of periodic cultivation and the mechanism of the stimulating effect on the accumulation of pig erysipelas bacteria in the bioreactor with adding it to the Hottinger broth. Preparation Immunofarm, which ensures steady growth and maximum accumulation of antibodies against swine erysipelas in the blood serum of oxen-producers, was proposed as an immunomodulating agent for the hyperimmunization of donors. Scheme was developed and the mechanism of the stimulating effect of the drug on the synthesis of specific antibodies in the body of oxen-producers were studied. The constant use in practice of the iron-containing preparation Peptofer and the immunomodulating agent Immunofarm made it possible not only to increase the activity of antigen and serum against swine erysipelas, but also to reduce the costs of labor, money and time for the production of the final product. The suitability and viability of the technological solutions developed by the authors in the manufacture of serum against swine erysipelas are confirmed, demanded by practice and economically justified. Keywords: pig breeding, swine erysipelas, microorganisms, organic iron compounds, technological processes, bacteria cultivation parameters, immunomodulatory preparations, hyperimmunization, blood serum, oxen-producers. References: 1. Bezgin V.M., Kozlov V.E., Nezhuta A.A., Sverchkov A.V. Osnovy promyshlennoy biotekhnologii [Basics of industrial biotechnology]. - KGSKhA. - Kursk, 2011. - 512 p. 2. Guseva E.V., Balikhina VI. 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Telishevskaya Lyubov Ya., D.Sc. in Biology, leading scientific researcher of the Federal state budgetary institution «All-Russian state center for animal feed and drug standardization and quality»; 5, Zvenigorodskoye hgw., Moscow, 123022; phone: 8-495-9825084. Laskavyy Vladislav N., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, leading scientific researcher of the Saratov Scientific Research Institute; 6, 53 Strelkovoy divizii st., Saratov, 410028; e-mail: saratov@vniivvim.ru. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Nochevnaya Tatyana V., Ph.D. in Biology, chief specialist of the department of registration of Microgen JSC; 10, 2nd Volkonskiy lane, Moscow, 127473; e-mail: tatu.noch@yandex.ru.