UDC 619:612.017.1:636.083.37 Dmitriyev A.F, Agarkov A.V. Summary. The immune system plays an important role in maintaining the structural and functional constancy of the newborn. Animals must have high level of immunobiological protection to confront many causative pathogenic substances after birth. Individuals with reduced immunobiological status don't implement fully programmed genotypic features in the early stages of postnatal development. In comparison with other farm animals, piglets are the most functionally immature. Their immune response is the most incomplete, since the activity and quantity of immunocompetent cells is low, the level of antibody synthesis is lower than in adults, because of this their susceptibility to pathogenic factors is the highest. Of all the offspring, more developed newborn piglets more quickly normalize the formation of natural resistance, which is shown in the highest level of immunobiological status. To assess the state of health and predict its changes in the future, great importance belongs to the study of the patterns of the formation of immunobiological potential in the neonatal period after birth. One of the most important tasks of applied immunology is the development of methods for increasing the immunobiological status of newborn animals aimed at the more complete development of the humoral and cellular elements. The most promising direction is immunocorrection in newborn animals, by intramuscular injection of highly active nonspecific immunomodulators of a broad spectrum of action. Currently the growth of immuno-dependent pathology is increased, i.e. diseases, which are based on immunopathological mechanisms. Among them - violations of anti-infectious protection, proliferation and regeneration, allergic and autoimmune processes. The peculiarity of the course of diseases with immunopathological conditions is, as you know, early chronization, torpidity to traditional methods of therapy, and the need for immunorehabilitation. The problem, despite its extreme urgency and great practical importance, the growing interest of a wide range of researchers still does not have clear methodological approaches. Keywords: immunodependent pathology, immunopathological mechanisms, immunorehabilitation, reactivity, sensitivity, pregnant sows, piglets, postnatal period, neonatal period, non-specific action immunomodulator. References: - Voronin E.S., Petrov A.M., Gray M.M., Dervishev D.A. Immunologiya [Immunology]. - Kolos-Press. - Moscow, 2002. - 408 p.
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- -6. Vide supra.
Author affiliation: Dmitriev Anatoliy F, D.Sc. In Biology, professor of the department of microbiology and epizootiology of the Stavropol State Agrarian University; 523, Serova st., Stavropol, 355017; phone: 8-962-0187775. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Agarkov Aleksandr V., Ph.D. in Biology, assistant of the department of therapy and pharmacology of the Stavropol State Agrarian University; 523, Serova st., Stavropol, 355017; phone: 8-906-4413447; e-mail: agarkov_a.v@mail.ru.