UDC 636:619:636.22/.28(470.341) Burova O.A.. Blokhin A.A. Summary. Criteria for population health status assessment within dry cows in Nizhny Novgorod region were analyzed. The expressed deviations from reference values were established that testifies to formation of risk factors of organizational character. Thus. the phagocytic activity of blood leukocytes in animals in all agroclimatic areas in Nizhny Novgorod region does not correspond to the norm. The lowest indices are typical for the central left-bank. suburban right-bank and southeastern regions. where the level of phagocytic activity was below the minimum limit by 43.9%. 31.8% and 29.3%. respectively. The low phagocytic activity of blood leukocytes causes the failure of immune responses and is considered as a risk factor for occurrence of persistent infections and carrier state. Along with this. in dry cows. surveyed in 64% of the territory of the region. deficiency of T- and B-cell immunity was established. And in all examined animals. a lack of synthesis of immunoglobulin A was detected. this. when feeding offspring. does not ensure the formation of sufficient resistance of the mucous membrane of the digestive apparatus in calves. All deviations of the immunity indices from the normal values are risk factors. both for the examined physiological group and for the newborn calves. Organizational risk factors characteristic of a significant population proportion determines its high predisposition to the formation of parasitic systems of opportunistic and emergent diseases with a wide coverage of the livestock and of different age-sex groups. Keywords: monitoring. population. dry cows. calves. immune status. infections. risk. immunodeficiency. leukocytic index. References: - Vavina O.V.. Molev A.I.. Velikanov V.I. Sostoyanie limfoidnykh organov u telyat. obuslovlennoe soderzhaniem i kormleniem korov-materey [Status of lymphoid organs in calves caused by maintenance and feeding of cows]. - Veterinarnaya patologiya. - Moscow. 2006 (1). - pp. 44-46.
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Author affiliation: Blokhin Andrey A.. Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine. leading scientific researcher. of the laboratory of physiology and pathology of reproduction and diseases of young large horned cattle of the Federal State Budget Scientific Institution «Scientific Research Veterinary Institute of Non-Chernozem Zone of the Russian Federation»; 3. Veterinarnaya st.. Nizhny Novgorod. 603950; e-mail: and.bloxin2010@yandex.ru. Responsible for correspondence with the edtorial board: Bwova Olga A., scientific researcher, of the laboratory of physiology and pathology of reproduction and diseases of young large horned cattle of the Federal State Budget Scientific Institution «Scientific Research Veterinary Institute of NonChernozem Zone of the Russian Federation»; 3, Veterinarnaya st., Nizhny Novgorod, 603950; e-mail: burovaolga@list.ru.