UDC [636.7:611.018.36:611.728.3:612.75]-092.9 Stupina T.A. Summary. Synovial membrane of areolar type of 12 mongrel dogs at the age of two, five and eight years was studied using the methods of histomorphometry. Semithin (0.5-1.0 micron) sections of dissected synovial membrane of the stifle joint of increased area were prepared on ultratome "Nova" (LKB, Sweden) and were stained with toluidine blue and methylene blue-basic fuchsin. Facing the joint cavity integument, surface collagen-elastic and deep collagen-elastic layers were clearly defined at the age of two. The integument layer is predominantly represented by fibroblastic synoviocytes. Microvasculature vessels retained normal structure, had an open lumen, intravascular space was filled with plasma uniformly granular structure and erythrocytes. Hyperplasia portions of the integument layer with a predominance of macrophage synoviocytes was revealed in dogs at the age of five. Changes in blood vessels and especially nerves of subsynovial layer were marked. Expansion of capillaries and venules, fibrosis and edema of subendothelial layer, expressed in the arterioles and veins, accompanied by a slight increase in the number density of microvessels, synovitis is weakly expressed. The integument layer was atrophic on a large extension at the age of eight years. Destructive changes in vessels and nerves, hypovascularization, features of fibrosis of the collagen-elastic layer were revealed. Weakly expressed synovitis was maintained. The involutional changes of the synovial membrane that were revealed affect the condition of cartilage. The risk of osteoarthrosis is high. Keywords: involutional changes, dogs, stifle joint, synovial membrane, synoviocytes, microcirculatory vessels, nerves, histology, morphometric studies, semithin sections. References: 1. Borodin Yu.I., Lyubarsky M.S., Bgatova N.P., Mustafayev N.R., Dremov Ye.Yu. Morfologicheskie kharakteristiki sostoyanita mikrotsirkulyatsii i limfaticheskogo drenazha v sinovialnoy obolochke kolennogo sustava v norme i pri patologii [Morphological criteria of the state of the microcirculation and of the lymphatic drainage in the synovial membrane of the stifle joint under normal and pathological conditions]. - Morphology. - Saint-Petersburg, 2008 (133(1)). - pp. 51-55. 2. Gaydyshev I.P. Analiz i obrabotka dannykh: spetsialny spravochnik [Analysis and processing: special guide]. - Piter. - Saint-Petersburg, 2001. - 752 p. 3. Denisov-Nikolsky Yu.I., Mironov S.P., Omelyanenko N.P., Matveyuk I.A. Aktualnye problem teoreticheskoy i klinicheskoy osteoartrologii [Actual problems of theoretical and clinical osteoarthrology]. - Moscow, 2005. - 336 p. 4. Domansky N.K., Samoshkin I.B., Stekolnikov A.A. Osteoartroz u sobak (kliniko-rentgeno-morfologicheskie korrelyatsii) [Osteoartrosis at dogs (clinic/X-ray/ morphological correlations)] - 2012 (2). - pp. 33-40. 5. Zapadnyuk I.P., Zapadnyuk V.I., Zakharia Ye.A. Laboratornye zhivotnye. Razvedenie, soderzhanie, ispolzovanie v eksperimente [Laboratory animals. Breeding, keeping, use in the experiment]. - Kiev, 1983. - 384 p. 6. Stupina T.A., Shchudlo N.A., Stepanov M.A. Strukturnaya reorganizatsiya osnovnykh komponentov sustava pri eksperimentalnom modelirovanii osteoartroza s redutsirovannym krovosnabzheniem [Structural reorganization of the main joint components during the experimental modeling of osteoarthrosis with reduced blood supply]. - Morphology. - Saint-Petersburg, 2014 (146 (5)). - pp. 61-65. 7. Stupina T.A. Gistomorfometricheskie i metabolicheskie kharakteristiki sustavnogo khryashcha myshchelkov bedra sobak pri involyutivnykh izmeneniyakh [Histomorphometric and metabolic characteristics of hip condyle joint cartilage in dogs at involutive changes]. - Advances in current natural sciences. - Moscow, 2014 (5-1). - pp. 81-85. 8-18. Vide supra. Author affiliation: Stupina Tatyana A., D.Sc. in Biology, senior researcher of the Laboratory of morphology of the Russian Ilizarov Scientific Center for Restorative Traumatology and Orthopaedics of the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation; 6, M. Ulyanova st., Kurgan, 640014; e-mail: stupinasta@ mail.ru - responsible for correspondence with the editorial board.