UDC 637.5;664.91/.94:637.631 Levchenko A.V., Troshin A.A. Summary. Pre-incubation egg irrigation of chemical substances solutions to stimulate embryogenesis ensured by the presence of pores in the shell. Composition of minerals in egg affects the normal development of the embryo. Hatchability of eggs and chickens may decrease with a deficit of separate elements that make up the succinic acid (zinc, manganese, iodine, calcium). Eggs and chicken embryos are objects of research. Aim of the work was to obtain experimental data of influence of certain combinations of succinic acid substances on embryogenesis and incubation. Results of the research produced new knowledge about the influence of new combinations of succinic acid substances on embryogenesis and incubation of poultry. Authors studied the influence of new combinations of succinic acid substances on embryogenesis. Experimental data will be used to develop complex products with succinic acid, which will increase cost-effective and promising poultry agricultural branch. Development of new preventive measures and means of acting to increase the output and hatchability is important in the modern poultry industry, increase of resilience and growth of the organism by means of environmentally friendly products. It is necessary to develop means of stimulation of the embryogenesis of the organism of bird, using succinic acid preparations. Succinic acid is essential for the development of the skeleton, organs and tissues. Its disadvantage is the cause of profound anatomical disorders of lymphoid tissues, causing hypoplasia of the thymus, spleen, intestinal lymphoid formations. Keywords: eggs, blood, morphometric criteria, embryos, laying hens, irrigation, processing, dose, influence, embryology, stimulation. References: 1. Gilmetdinov B.M. Farmako-toksikologicheskaya otsenka proizvodnykh dikarbonovykh kislot [Pharmaco-toxicological evaluation of derivatives of dicarboxylic acids]. - Kazan, 2003. - 23 p. 2. Levchenko A.V. Farmakologiya i primenenie tsinka suktsinata [Pharmacology and application of zinc succinate]. -KNIVI. - Krasnodar, 2014. 3. Troshin A.A., Levchenko A.V. Razrabotka kompleksov makro- i mikroelementov s yantarnoy kislotoy [Development of complex of macro- and microelements with succinic acid]. - Voronezh, 2015. - pp. 277-281. Author affiliation: Troshin Aleksey A., student of the faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Kuban State Agricultural University named after I.T Trubilin; 13, Kalinina st., Krasnodar; 350044. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Levchenko Artyom V., Ph.D. in Biology, head of the economic-legal department of the Krasnodar scientific-research veterinary institute; 1, 1st Liniya, Krasnodar, 350004; phone: 8(918)439-48-68; e-mail: artem-levchenko-85@mail.ru.