UDC 636.087.72 Savinkov A.V., Riazantseva A.I. Summary. Purpose of the study was to improve efficiency of therapeutic and preventive measures for piglets at rickets. Authors determined the influence of a combination of natural enterosorbent and mineral supplement on the clinical parameters, hematology and blood chemistry, as well as nonspecific resistance of the blood serum of the investigated weaned piglets. Study included three groups of 35-day piglets with clinical signs of rickets. Each group consisted of seven individuals selected by the principle of matched pairs. The first group was fed with silimix once a day in a dosage of 0.2 g per kg of body weight. The second group received combination of silimix and tricalcium phosphate (3:1) in the same dosage. The third group was the control. Piglets of experiment groups had higher locomotor activity, good appetite, healthy skin color. The control group had no apparent changes. Hemoglobin in the second group was higher than the baseline value (122.33±4.67 g/L) by 32.35% (P > 0.99). By the end of the study, there was increase in serum calcium by 23.64% (p<0.05) in the first group, by 22.28% (p<0.05) in the second group, and by 25.46% (p < 0.01) in the control group. The inorganic phosphorus level increased by 15.3 and 8.9% in the treatment groups and by 35.3% in the control group (p<0.01). Total protein increased by 28.6% (p<0.01) in the first group and by 29.3% (p<0.001) in the second group but remained unchanged in the control group. Investigational drugs have a pronounced pharmacological activity and can efficiently be used to eliminate the effects and consequences of rickets. Keywords: mineral metabolism, rickets, pigs, silimix, tricalcium phosphate, red blood cells, calcium, phosphorus, total protein, resistance, sorbent. References 1. Derezina T. N. Bentonit natriia v sochetanii s vitaminnym preparatom v profilaktike rakhita u porosiat [Sodium bentonite in combination with vitamin preparation for prevention of rickets in piglets]. – Veterinariia. – Moscow, 2004 (6). – pp. 18-21. 2. Zabolotskaia T.V., Tikhonov I.V., Volkov M.Iu., Zabolotskaia A.A. Primenenie adsorbentov na uglevodnoi osnove dlia profilaktiki mikotoksikozov [Use of adsorbents on basis of carbohydrate for prevention of mycotoxicosis]. – Veterinariia. – Moscow, 2011 (1). – P. 57-59. 3. Kudacheva N. A. Kliniko-biohimicheskie osobennosti belkovoi nedostatochnosti u porosiat v usloviiakh svinokompleksa [Clinical and biochemical features of protein deficiency in piglets in conditions of pig farm]. – Samara, 2004. – pp. 77-81. 4. Semenenko M.P., Antipov V.A., Matiushevskii L.A., Fontanetskii A.S., Tiapkina E.V. Bentonity v zhivotnovodstve i veterinarii [Bentonites in animal husbandry and veterinary medicine]. – Krasnodar, 2009. – 249 p. 5. Semenenko M.P., Antipov V.A., Savinkov A.V., Saveliev A.P., Ravilov A.Z., Ugryumova N.V. Farmakologicheskie aspekty primeneniia enterosorbenta priminkor v veterinarii [Pharmacological aspects of application of enterosorbent Preminger in veterinary medicine]. – Veterinariia Kubani. – Krasnodar, 2010 (6). – pp. 33-34. 6. Torshkov A.A. Biohimicheskii status kur pri korrektsii bioelementnogo pitaniia [Biochemical status of hens in correction of bioelemental feeding]. – 2013. – pp. 131-133. 7. Shantyz A.Iu., Shantyz A.Kh., Drobinko A.P. Izmeneniia morfologicheskikh struktur i gormonalnogo fona shchitovidnoi zhelezy pri gipotireoze i ego korrektsii [Changes in the morphological structures and hormonal background of thyroid gland with hypothyroidism and its correction]. – Trudy KubGAU. – Krasnodar, 2014 (47). – pp. 126-128. 8. Eckharde, J.C., Santurio, J.M., Zanette, R.A. and other. Efficacy of a Brazilian calcium montmorillonite against toxic effects of dietary aflatoxins on brolers reared to market weight//British poulty science. – 2014. – V.55. - № 2. 9. Erramly, A., Ider, A. Physico-chemical and mineralogical characterization of a Moroccan bentonite and determination of its nature and its chemical structure// International jornal of mayerials science and application. – 2014. – Vol.3. - № 2. – p.42-48. 10. Kirsten, Y., Renkema, R., Ale[ander, T. And other. Calcium and phosphate homeostatis: concerted interplay of new regulators//Annals of medicine. – 2008. – № 40. – P.82-91. Author affiliation: Savinkov Aleksey V., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, head of the department of epizootology, pathology and pharmacology of the Samara State Agricultural Academy; 2, Uchebnaia st., Ust-Kinelskii pgt., Samara, Samara region, 446442; phone: 8-84663-46-2-46. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Riazantseva Anna I., post-graduate student of the department of anatomy, obstetrics and operative surgery of the Samara State Agricultural Academy; 2, Uchebnaia st., Ust-Kinelskii pgt., Samara, Samara region, 446442; phone: 8-84663-46-2-46, 8-927-001-31-09; e-mail: annastruchkova@mail.ru.