UDC 636.053.4.046 Iurina N.A., Maksim E.A., Pskhatsieva Z.V., Ovsepian V.A. Chernyshov E.V. Summary. Weaned piglets, calves, broiler chickens, sturgeon fingerlings were objects of the study. Purpose of the series of experiments was to study the efficacy of probiotic feed additive Sporotermin as a growth promoter in the diets of young farm animals. Researches were carried out by standard methods of research on feeding of farm animals and poultry. It was found that bacteria in probiotics Sporotermin are highly resistant to high temperatures, which is positive in the preparation of granulated fodders. It was revealed that average daily gains of live weight of young pigs increased, while the use of probiotics Sporotermin for the entire period of growth – by 19.4%. It was found that the average live weight gain of calves during the whole period of experiment was up 5.4-9.4%, and the average of nutrients have been spent on 4.2-8.6% compared with the control group of animals. Weight of broiler chickens during the last weighing before slaughter in the control group was 2 248 g in the test group – 2 346 g, which is in relation to the control group to 4.3%. Safety in the control group was 96.0% and in the experimental – 98.0%. As a result of studies it was found that heavy metals were neutralized by products of microorganisms of probiotics Sporotermin. Significant increase in weight of young sturgeon by 10.2% was observed at the end of the growing period. On the basis of these experiments it can be concluded that probiotic Sporotermin is the augmentor of young farm animals. Received results of studies are recommended in the farms of all forms of ownership, engaged in breeding of pigs, large horned cattle, poultry, fish. Keywords: probiotic Sporotermin, fodders, weaned piglets, calves, broiler chickens, sturgeon fingerlings, live weight, feed costs, safety. References: 1. Baranikov V.A., Pyshmantseva N.A. 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Pskhatsieva Zemfira V., Ph.D. in Agriculture, doctoral student of the Gorsky State Agrarian University; 37, Kirova st., Vladikavkaz, Republic of North Ossetia – Alania; phone: 8-928-073-95-60; e-mail: info@gorskigau.com. Ovsepian Vagan A., applicant of the Maikop State Technological University; 32, Naberezhnaia st., Sochi, 354340; phone: 8-989-166-20-37. Chernyshov Evgenii V., general manager of SPO "South Center for sturgeon breeding"; 28, Gorkogo st., Eisk; phone: 8-909-462-63-34; e-mail: katipoda@mail.ru. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Iurina Natalia A., D.Sc. in Agriculture, leading scientific researcher of the Laboratory of feeding and physiology of farm animals of the North Caucasian Research Institute of Animal Husbandry; phone: 8-905-477-80-51; e-mail: naden8277@mail.ru.