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Issues / 06/14 Print

Pharmaco-toxicological study of alcoholic extracts of yarrow and chicory

UDС 619:616.36


Antipov V.A., Davydenko V.V.

Summary. Main purpose of this study is development, research and implementation of preparations of yarrow and chicory in veterinary practice for the treatment and prevention of gastrointestinal diseases in young farm animals and poultry. It is known that tinctures are effective in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases in young farm animals and poultry. Prophylactic efficacy at dyspepsia and gastroenteritis in calves totaled 77,8-88,3%, at gastroenteritis in pigs, poultry, mink – 84,7-91,5%. Study showed that some preparations have bacteriostatic action, inhibit the growth of Staphylococcus aureus and hay bacillus in concentration 1:10. Zone of growth inhibition accounted for Staphylococcus – 15 mm and mucoid bacilli – 3 mm. Studies also revealed absence of disorders of pigmentation and protein-synthetic enzyme-forming functions of the liver. Thus quantitative content of bilirubin, serum proteins, enzymes, ALT and AST in piglets of test and control groups did not differ significantly. Blood tests also confirmed the low toxicity of preparations. Moreover, all tested blood parameters of treated animals were similar to those in the control group. Some changes were observed only in red blood of experimental animals, which were characterized by a saturation of hemoglobin increased erythrocyte. Extracts medicinal herbs showed no adverse local effects on the mucous membranes and skin of animals. Autopsy and external examination revealed no visible changes of covering tissue and internal organs. Histological studies also showed no changes in their structure, which indicates the absence of toxic effects on organs and tissues of animals. Thus, of yarrow and chicory infusions are low-toxic and inexpensive means having diverse pharmacological action with pronounced therapeutic and prophylactic efficacy in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases of young farm animals and birds as well as good growth stimulating effect.

Keywords: tinctures, extracts, yarrow, chicory, diarrhea, young animals, gastrointestinal disease, toxicity.


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Author affiliation:

Antipov Valery A., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, Corresponding member of the RAS, professor, director of the Krasnodar Research Veterinary Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences; 1, 1-ya Liniya st., Krasnodar, 350004; 8 (861) 221-62-20.

Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Davydenko Vyacheslav V., post-graduate of the Krasnodar Research Veterinary Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences; 1, 1-ya Liniya st., Krasnodar, 350004; 8 (861) 221-62-20, e-mail:


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