rus eng
Issues / 06/14 Print

Problem of bovine udder vesicular lesions

UDC 619.616.981


Mishchenko A.V., Mishchenko V.A., Krivonos R.A., Chernykh O.Yu., Anshba E.A.

Summary. Data concerning vesicular and erosive lesions observed on udder skin is given in the article. The most often observed vesicular and erosive lesions of udder skin at the territory of the Russian Federation were induced by foot-and-mouth disease, bovine pseudopox and pox viruses. Bovine pseudopox virus induces udder lesions only in lactating cows. Lesions on the skin of the udder of cows similar FMD are registered at viral diarrhea – mucosal disease, infectious rhinotracheitis, bovine herpesvirus infection type 4, smallpox and pseudopox. Local temperature increase and soreness were observed while palpation of the affected parts of the udder and nipples. Milking of cows with the use of milking machines is accompanied by great anxiety of animals. Incurable mastitis were diagnosed in individual animals with extensive lesions of the skin of the udder and nipples, which led to the culling of cows. Above mentioned results of the timely epizootologic study of animals and clinical survey of diseased cows and identified pathological changes allow urgently to make the right decisions on cupping and elimination of infectious disease.

Key words: vesicles, papules, erosions, bovine udder, foot-and-mouth disease, pseudocowpox, cowpox, virus, vesicular and erosive lesions.


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Author affiliation:

Mishchenko Aleksey V., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, senior researcher of the laboratory of diagnostics of farm animals’ diseases of the Federal State Establishment "Federal Centre of Animal Health" (FSE "All-Russian Research Institute of Animal Health"); mcrd. Yurjevets, Vladimir, Russia, 600901; phone: (4922) 26-17-65; e-mail:

Mishchenko Vladimir A., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, professor, chief expert for bovine diseases of Federal State Establishment "Federal Centre of Animal Health" (FSE "All-Russian Research Institute of Animal Health"); mcrd. Yurjevets, Vladimir, Russia, 600901; phone: (4922) 26-17-65 20-83; e-mail:

Krivonos Roman A., Deputy Head of the State Veterinary Department of Krasnodar region; 36, Rashpilevskaya st., Krasnodar, 350000; phone: 8 (861) 262-19-23; e-mail:

Anshba Erik A., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine Head of the State Veterinary service of the Republic of Abkhazia; 88, Chachba st., Sukhum, Republic of Abkhazia; ph.: 8(492)2261254; e-mail:

Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Chernykh Oleg Yu., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, director of the Kropotkin territorial veterinary laboratory; 303, Krasnoarmeyskaya st., Kropotkin, 352380; phone: 8(86138) 6-23-14; e-mail:


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