UDC 636.3.053:615.37 APPLICATION OF THYMOGEN FOR THE TREATMENT OF PHYSIOLOGICALLY IMMATURE LAMBS IN THE EARLY STAGES OF POSTNATAL ONTOGENESIS Borisov D.R. Summary. In recent years begun to widely used in veterinary medicine, especially in medicine, bioregulatory agents. These include cytomedines that are involved in the regulation of the functional activity of the structural elements, which are the raw material for their synthesis. Thymus created highly beneficial agent - timogen, which is a synthetic peptide - glutamyl - tryptophan. The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of this drug on the growth and development of physiologically immature animals , the dynamics of qualitative changes of blood proteins and factors of non-specific resistance of the Lambs . A month after the start of timogen live weight of lambs of the experimental group did not differ from the weight of the lambs normotrofikov, averaging 16,24 ± 0,56 kg. In control lambs also observed increase in body weight during the period of the experiment, but it had lower rates (13,29 ± 0,29 kg) and average daily gain was 136 grams vs 229 grams animals of the experimental group. Observed increase in the concentration of total protein and its fractions, particularly globulin, indicating increased resistance of the organism associated with the effect of the drug and has an impact on the safety of the Lambs early stages of postnatal development. Timogen increases non-specific resistance factors of the test animals. The most significant improvement is observed by the phagocytic activity of leukocytes, particularly in lambs test group it is the end of the study 82,64 ± 2,33%, whereas in the control lambs only 59,33 ± 1,95%. Consequently, timogen has a positive effect on the reaction of humoral immunity and performance factors of nonspecific defense of the Lambs. Key words: Transbaikalian fine wool breed sheep, ontogeny, body weight, blood cells, non-specific factors. References 1. Borisov D.R. Immunny status yagnyat rannego perioda razvitiya i ego korrektsiya peptidnym bioregulyatorom timogen [Immune status of lambs in the early period of development and its correction with peptide bioregulator timogen]. – Ulan-Ude, 1993. – 19 p. 2. Ignatiev R.R., Borisov D.R. Ob immunnom statuse yagnyat rannego perioda razvitiya [About immune status of the lambs in the early period of development]. – 1992. – pp. 125-127. 3. Kuznik.B.I. V.G. Morozov, Khavinson V.H. Tsytomediny [Cytomedines]. – Nauka. – Saint-Petersburg, 1998. – 310 p. 4. Petrov R.V. Immunologiya i immunogenetika [Immunology and immunogenetics]. – Meditsina. – Moscow, 1976. – 240 p. 5. Khavinson V.H., Trofimova S.V. Peptidnye bioregulyatory v oftalmologii [Peptide bioregulators in ophthalmology]. – Folio. – Saint-Petersburg, 2000. – 48 p. Author affiliation: Borisov Danil R., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, docent of the department of normal and pathological physiology, pharmacology and toxicology of the Filippov Buryat State Agricultural Academy; 8, Pushkina st., Ulan-Ude, 670034; phone: 8-914-832-04-61; e-mail:danil.borisov.1957@mail.ru – responsible for correspondence with the editorial board.