UDC 636.3:612.664 CHANGES IN THE PROTEIN COMPOSITION OF EWES’ MILK DURING LACTATION Borisov D.R. Summary. The results of studies on the dynamics of the protein composition of the milk of ewes during their lactation in Trans-Baikal. Value of milk due to the high digestibility of its main components. One of the key indicators of the quality of milk is the content of proteins. Features of young animals of different species show that the more milk protein, the faster growing progeny thereof. From this point of view is the milk of sheep, first of all, food for newborn lambs. Therefore, the growth and development of lambs depends on the quantity of milk to be allocated from the breast of the mother. In the scientific literature studies ovine milk protein composition are less than milking . With regard to such works in our region , they are generally rare and extremely contradictory. In the first days after birth is allocated special formula milk, called colostrum. Colostrum compared with milk contains 3-5 times more protein (60 - 80 % of which are whey proteins, mainly immunoglobulins). The maximum amount of total protein observed in the colostrum of the first milking and averages on a group of 20,05 ± 1,12 g %. During lactation protein repeatedly reduced to 5,03 ± 0,68 g %. Approximately the same picture emerges in the dynamics of milk and whey proteins during lactation, there is a decrease in its concentration from 77.72 to 25.68 % by the end of 4 months secretion. The most significant quantitative changes are immune globulins contained extremely high concentrations in colostrum of the first milking ewes – 9,67 ± 0,31 g % and declining by the end of lactation up to 0,27 ± 0,08 g %. Protein content of the milk solids greatly vary in ewes during lactation, especially colostric period. Keywords: ewe, colostrum, milk gland, casein, aprotein, protein fraction, colostral immunity, beta-lactoglobulin, alpha-lactoalbumin. References 1. Gonashvili Sh.G. Belkovye veshchestva moloziva [Protein substances colostrum]. – Moscow, 1965. - pp. 71-75. 2. Davydov R.B. Faktory vliyayushchie na soderzhanie syvorotochnykh belkov v moloke [Factors influencing serum proteins in milk]. - Dairy industry. – Moscow, 1965 (15). - pp. 23-26. 3. Sergeev A.V. Izmenenie sostava i svoystva moloka korov v molozivny period [Change in composition and properties of milk cows in colostric period]. – 1962. 4. Ignatiev R.R. Issledovanie belkov moloka [Study of milk proteins]. – 1971. 5. Ignatiev R.R. Fiziologiya laktatsii selskokhozyaystvennykh zhivotnykh [Physiology of lactation in farm animals]. - Ulan -Ude. – 2001. – p. 25 6. Fedorov Y.N. Immunobiologicheskaya polnotsennost moloziva svinomatok, immunizirovannykh protiv rozhi [Immunobiological usefulness of colostrum of sows immunized against erysipelas]. - VIEV. - Moscow, 1971 (XI). – p. 82-83. Author affiliation: Borisov Danil R., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, senior lecturer of the department of normal and pathological physiology, pharmacology and toxicology of the the Filippov Buryat State Agricultural Academy; 8, Pushkina st., Ulan-Ude, 670034; phone: 8-914-832-04-61; e-mail: danil.borisov.1957@mail.ru – responsible for correspondence with the editorial board.