Akchurin S.V. Summary Using the fluorescent spectrum analysis author evaluated functional condition of cells of the mucous and serous membranes of the glandular stomach of chickens experimentally infected with colibacillosis, salmonellosis and klebsiellosis. Oral infection of chickens of test groups was carried out in a two-day age using bacteria Escherichia coli, Sаlmonella еnteritidis and Кlebsiella pneumoniae. Histological samples of glandular stomach of chickens of all groups were examined at 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 15, 21 and 30th day of life. Luminescence intensity value was registered in blue (I480) and red (I630) spectral range and proportion factors of nucleic acids and proteins were determined according to obtained data in accordance with the developed methodology. Changes in the functional condition of cells of serous membrane of the glandular stomach, identified by the method of luminescent spectral analysis, developing in response to the introduction of enteric causative agents into the body of chickens are specific to each type of infection especially by changing correlation coefficients of nucleic acids and proteins in the dynamics. Results testify the possibility of using the method for estimation of cells’ functional activity at the early stages of enteric infections. Resulting data can be used at the development of fundamentally new approach to the problem of creation of modern diagnostic technologies, preventive measures and treatment of colibacillosis, salmonellosis and klebsiellosis. Key words: nucleic acids, proteins, histological samples of glandular stomach, luminescent tag "Steins all", luminescent spectral analysis, colibacillosis, klebsiellosis, salmonellosis, chickens. References - Akchurin S.V. Novy metod lyuminestsentnogo analiza sootnosheniy nukleinovykh kislot i belkov v seroznoy obolochke zhelezistogo zheludka tsyplyat s ispolzovaniem fluorokhroma "Steins all" [New method of luminescent analysis of proportion of nucleic acids and proteins in serosal cuticle in glandular stomach in chickens using fluorchrome "Steins all"]. – 2012 – pp. 72-78.
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Author affiliation Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Akchurin Sergey V., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, associate professor of the department of animal morphology and pathology of the Vavilov Saratov State Agrarian University; 1, Teatralnaya sq., Saratov, 410012; 8(8452) 23-09-70, 8(927)2235883, e-mail: akchurin@sgau.ru.