Bazhenova E.A. Summary Experiments on the sensitivity of P. aeruginosa to antibiotics that enables us to conduct therapeutic measures more successfully and efficiently are presented in the article. Early diagnosis is the key to successful prevention and treatment of disease. Author believes that P. aeruginosa should be allocated as an independent nosological unit. Data on the sensitivity of P. aeruginosa to antibiotics allowed to successful conduction of prevention and treatment of diseases caused by this pathogen in farm animals, fur animals and poultry. Key words: Pseudomonas aeruginosa, sensitivity, resistance, antibiotics, efficiency, drugs, growth delay zone, mechanism of action, microorganisms, prevention. References - Kashirin V.V. Obyasnenie fenomena bipolyarnosti bakteriy [Explanation of bacteria bipolarity phenomenon]. – 1996: 32-35.
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Author affiliation Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Bazhenova Ekaterina A., postgraduate student of the department of parasitology, veterinary-sanitary examination and zoohygiene of the Kuban state agrarian University; 45-7, Atarbekova st., Krasnodar, 350062; ph.: 8 (918) 321-45-45; allexxan@mail.ru.