Melikhov S.V., Rodionov V. N. Summary Basic principles of combination and application of complex antibiotics, as well as its positive and negative aspects are presented in the article. Authors described combinations of antibiotic preparations from different groups by types of effect, showing synergistic, antagonistic, indifferent or additive effect. Two complex preparations – Maсrodox 200 and Colimixin – were developed and put into practice. Maсrodox 200 is a water-soluble powder for oral use consisting of doxycycline hydrochloride and tylosin tartrate, has a wide range of activity against Gram-positive and Gram-negative microorganisms. Results of the studies showed, that Maсrodox 200 is effective in the treatment and prevention of bacterial diseases of farm animals and poultry, especially respiratory diseases, edema disease of pigs, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Сolimixin is a complex antibiotics in the form of solution for oral use. Сomponents of the preparation (lincomycin and colistin) don’t interact directly with each other, but complement and extend the range of antimicrobial action. High efficacy in broiler chickens, which lies in the high safety of stock, is shown in the article. High efficacy was also observed in the treatment and prevention of gastrointestinal diseases. Especially high clinical effect was observed in case of secondary intestinal infections on the background of dysentery in pigs or necrotic enteritis in poultry. Key words: animal breeding, poultry farming, complex antibiotics, Macrodox, Colimixin, broiler chickens. References - Berau R., Castillo J.D., Geneolt L. Problema antibiotikorezistentnosti [Problem of antibiotic resistance]. – Veterinar. – Moscow, 2008 (2). – pp. 28-34.
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Author affiliation Melikhov Sergey V., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, Director for Production of JSC "Belfarma.com"; 2a, 5th Avgusta st., Belgorod, 308024; ph.: +7 (4722) 58-57-42; e-mail: product@belfarma.com. Rodionov Valery N., chief veterinarian of JSC "Management Company Prioskolie"; 3, Pridorozhnaya st., Dubovoe sttl., Belgorod area, 308501; ph.: +7(4722) 323220, +7 (4722) 780812; e-mail: rodionov@prioskolie.ru. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Pelikh Olga V., Customer Manager of JSC "Belfarma.com"; 2a, 5th Avgusta st., Belgorod, 308024; ph.: +7 (4722) 58-57-42; e-mail: client@belfarma.com.