Dzhailidi G.A. Summary Spread of African swine fever holds back the development of pig breeding. ASF problem has long gone beyond the veterinary, and became economic. Basis of prevention of the spread of the virus is the strict observance of veterinary and sanitary and hygienic measures. Author presented algorithm of actions for organization of implementation of complex measures for localization and liquidation of African swine fever outbreaks in Krasnodar region. Using controlled, organized activities, under the complex measures described in the article, it is possible to achieve rapid localization of African swine fever foci. Key words: African swine fever, pig-breeding, outbreak, quarantine, virus, focus, complex veterinary and sanitary activities, localization, liquidation. References - Zakon Rossiyskoy Federatsii "O veterinarii" [Law of the Russian Federation "On veterinary"].
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Author affiliation Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Dzhailidi Georgy A., Ph. D. in Biology, Head of the State Veterinary Department of Krasnodar region; 36, Rashpilevskaya st., Krasnodar, 350000; phone: 8 (861) 262-19-23; e-mail: dga@uv.krasnodar.ru.