УДК 619: 616.993.192.1:636.92 DOI 10.33861/2071-8020-2024-5-30-32 Petrova I. V., Zhilina K. V., Semikrasova A. N. Summary. Monitoring studies data on the distribution of coccidia species diversity in rabbits with different housing systems are presented in the article. Scientific research was conducted in the Department of Biotechnology of the Scientific Research Institute of Fur-Bearing Animal Breeding and Rabbit Breeding named after V.A. Afanasyev in 2023. 167 stool samples were taken from shedding rabbits, 50 samples were taken in private subsidiary farms with an external cellular maintenance system, and 100 samples were taken in a closed rabbit breeding complex with a controlled microclimate. Coprological studies were carried out by the Fulleborn method. To determine the species of coccidia, the method of laboratory sporulation and morphometry of oocysts using microscopy was used. As the result of the conducted studies, it was found that in rabbits of the same content, the extent of invasion was 73.65%, the degree of infection intensity was determined as weak, the species composition is represented by 5 species of coccidia: E. stiedae, E. perforans, E. magna, E. intestinalis, E. media. In rabbits of the external cellular maintenance system, the extent of invasion was 100%, the degree of infection intensity was determined as strong, 7 species of coccidia were differentiated during morphological identification: E. stiedae, E. perforans, E. magna, E. intestinalis, E. media, E. piriformis, E. coecicola. In a closed rabbit breeding complex, single coccidium oocysts were detected in 78% of the examined animals, morphological examination of sporulated coccidium oocysts showed 4 types of coccidia: E. stiedae, E. perforans, E. intestinalis, E. media. It was also found that mixed invasion by various types of coccidia is common, so, with a shedding content, mixed invasion was found in 50.41% of heads, with an external cellular content - in 66.00%, in rabbits from a complex with a regulated microclimate - in 33.82%. Keywords: rabbit, coccidiosis, eimeriosis, coccidium species composition, monitoring, distribution, protozoa, invasion, parasite, coccidium oocysts. Author affiliation: Petrova Irina V., Ph. D. in Veterinary Medicine, Senior Scientific Researcher of the Scientific Research Institute of Fur-Bearing Animal Breeding and Rabbit Breeding named after V.A. Afanasyev; 6, Trudovaya st., Rodniki sttl., Ramensky district, Moscow region, 140143; phone: 8-496-4648681; e-mail: niipzk@mail.ru. Zhilina Kseniya V., veterinarian of the Scientific Research Institute of Fur-Bearing Animal Breeding and Rabbit Breeding named after V.A. Afanasyev; 6, Trudovaya st., Rodniki sttl., Ramensky district, Moscow region, 140143; phone: 8-496-4648681; e-mail: niipzk@mail.ru. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Semikrasova Alla N., Ph. D. in Biology, Scientific Advisor of the Scientific Research Institute of FurBearing Animal Breeding and Rabbit Breeding named after V.A. Afanasyev; 6, Trudovaya st., Rodniki sttl., Ramensky district, Moscow region, 140143; phone: 8-496-4648681; e-mail: niipzk-vet@mail.ru.