УДК 619:616.34:615.33:636.4 DOI 10.33861/2071-8020-2024-5-8-11 Oblogina E. Yu., Marchenko T. V., Kopyltsov S. V., Terekhov V. I. Summary. Neonatal diarrhea is the most common pathology in piglets. It causes significant economic damage associated with the death of suckling piglets, a decrease in their productivity and the cost of carrying out medical and veterinary-sanitary measures. According to domestic and foreign authors, it can affect from 15 to 90% of the offspring, while the mortality rate can reach 40-60%. The aim of the work was to study the efficiency of the Bonaka-APK-N microbiological complex feed additive in the prevention of neonatal diarrhea in piglets. Sows of the experimental group (6 heads) were given the microbiological complex at a dose of 10 ml per head 1 time per day with drinking water daily for 10 days before and 10 days after childbirth. The animals of the control group (6 heads) received drinking water without the addition of the microbiological complex. Piglets born from sows of the experimental group (67 heads) were orally injected with the Bonaka-APK-N microbiological complex in the dose of 2 ml from the first day for 10 consecutive days from a syringe. Piglets from the control group (69 heads) were intact. On the 21st day after birth, all piglets were weighed and fecal and blood samples were taken from 6 piglets from each group (one from each nest) for microbiological and immune-hematological studies. The results of the experiment showed that the use of the microbiological complex «Bonaka-APK-N» for sows and newborn piglets allows purposefully correcting intestinal microbiocenosis in both sows and piglets. In sows receiving probiotic supplementation, milk productivity increased, and in piglets, the average daily increase increased by 24,7%, and most importantly, the number of cases of diarrhea and the number of deaths decreased by 20%. Keywords: neonatal diarrhea, suckling pigs, prevention, microbiocenosis, probiotics, feed additive, Bonaka-APK-N microbiological complex. Author affillation: Oblogina Elena Yu., BONAKA LLC General Manager; 66, Kuznechnaya st., Krasnodar, 350015; phone: 8-861-2055299; e-mail: elena.levina@bonaka.ru. Marchenko Tatyana V., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, Director of Technological Development of BONAKA LLC; 66, Kuznechnaya st., Krasnodar, 350015; phone: 8-861-2055299; e-mail: tatyana.marchenko@bonaka.ru. Kopyltsov Sergey V., Ph.D. in Biology, Chief Biotechnologist of BONAKA LLC; 66, Kuznechnaya st., Krasnodar, 350015; phone: 8-861-2055299; e-mail: sergey.kopyltcov@bonaka.ru. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Terekhov Vladimir I., D. Sc. in Biology, professor, lecturer of the Pashkovsky Agricultural College, scientific consultant of BONAKA LLC; 220, Evdokii Bershanskoy st., Krasnodar, 350910; phone: 8-988-4742115, e-mail: vterekhov@list.ru.