rus eng
Issues / 05/23 Print

Distribution of parasitic diseases of rabbits in the Moscow region

УДК 619:616.99
DOI 10.33861/2071-8020-2023-5-15-18

Tsepilova I. I., Konovalov A. P., Kvartnikova E. G.

Summary. The rabbit breeding industry is constrained by diseases of various etiologies, including invasive ones, so the purpose of this work was to study the spread of invasive diseases and the degree of infection of rabbits with parasitosis in the Moscow region, using the example of two rabbit breeding farms and vivariums. The study was carried out according to generally accepted methods. As a result of research in the Moscow region, rabbits were diagnosed with: Passalurus ambigus, Psoroptes cuniculi and Eimeria spp. The dominant invasions among the studied population of rabbits are passalurosis, EI = 63.8%, as well as eimeriosis - EI from 27 to 100%. The nosological profile of pathogens of the genus Eimeria is represented by five species and in four generalized samples the following percentage was revealed: E. perforans - 37%, E. media - 24%, E. magna - 21%, E. stiedae - 14%, and E. intestinalis - 4%. Clinical signs of rabbit eimeriosis were not observed, due to low AI, in 1 g of faeces in collective samples, it varied from 287 to 632 oocysts, which indicates a weak degree of invasion or carriage.

Keywords: rabbits, rabbit breeding, infection, parasitosis, passalurosis, eimeriosis, extent of invasion, intensity of invasion, oocysts.


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Author affiliation:

Tsepilova Irina I., Ph. D. in Veterinary Mediciene, docent, docent of the Department of Parasitology and Veterinary and Sanitary Expertise of the Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology - MVA named after K.I. Skryabin; 23, Akademika Skryabina st., Moscow, 109472; e-mail:

Konovalov Andrey P., Ph. D. in Biology, senior scientific researcher of the department of fur farming and rabbit breeding of the Scientific Research Institute of Fur Farming and Rabbit Breeding named after V.A. Afanasyev; 6, Trudovaya st., Rodniki vllg., Ramensky district, Moscow region, 140143; e-mail:

Responsible for correspondence with the editorial office: Kvartnikova Elizaveta G., D. Sc. in Agriculture, professor, chief scientific researcher of the department of fur farming and rabbit breeding of the Scientific Research Institute of Fur Farming and Rabbit Breeding named after V.A. Afanasyev; 6, Trudovaya st., Rodniki vllg., Ramensky district, Moscow region, 140143; phone: 8-495-7442642; e-mail:


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