УДК 619:616-006.44 DOI 10.33861/2071-8020-2022-5-6-8 Staroselov M.A. Summary. To increase the natural resistance of the large horned cattle, reduce its morbidity and mortality, the use of immunostimulating drugs that normalize the indicators of the cellular link of immunity, increase the activity of phagocytes and nonspecific humoral factors - levamisole, immunofan together with vaccination against parainfluenza-3 and infectious rhinotracheitis in cows in 7, 5 months pregnant and calves aged 14-20 days. Levamisole is used for pregnant cows 2.5-2 months before calving, for calves from 14 days of age. Immunofan is recommended for deepcalving cows 2-2.5 months before calving, for calves from 14 days of age. The use of immunostimulating drugs: levamisole and immunofan, to deep-calf cows infected with the bovine leukemia virus, against the background of the use of mineral-vitamin premixes, normalizes metabolic processes, increases the amount of protein in the blood serum by 10.9-14.4%, the content of albumin and Y-globulin fraction, glucose, trace elements. It is advisable to use immunostimulants that activate the cellular link of immunity at the prevention of respiratory diseases in calves, to increase immune reactivity. The most effective in the prevention of respiratory diseases is the scheme of joint use of immunomodulators and specific biological agents. The introduction of immunostimulants to calves obtained from infected bovine leukemia virus and cows with leukemia increases birth weight by 4.16 and 5.23%, respectively, activates erythropoiesis and hematopoiesis. The use of immunofan and levamisole in deepcalving cows normalizes hematological parameters, protein, carbohydrate, vitamin metabolism. The incidence of calves in the experimental groups is lower compared to the control by 13.3-20.0%. The average daily gain in live weight is higher by 36.1 and 15.5%. The safety of the calves of the experimental groups was also higher than in the control ones by 6.7% in the first experimental group, which was 86.7% versus 80% in the control group, in the second experimental group this figure was 20% higher compared to the control and equaled 100%. Keywords: large horned cattle, bovine leukemia virus, parainfluenza-3, deepcalving cows, calves, immunity, immunostimulating drug, vaccination, hematological index, vitamin metabolism, calcium-phosphorus ratio. References: 1. Andreev A.I., Andreev I.V., Nechay K.O. et al. 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Author affiliation: Staroselov Mikhail A., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, Head of the department of therapy and obstetrics of the Krasnodar Scientific Center for Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine; 1, 1 Liniya st., Krasnodar, 350004; phone: 8-953-1122803; e-mail: knivitherapy@gmail.com - responsible for correspondence with the editorial board.