DOI 10.33861/2071-8020-2020-5-8-10 Budulov N.R., Salikhov Yu.S., Shikhragimov E.M. Summary. Results of the assessment of the epizootic situation on bovine leucose in Laksky district of the Republic of Dagestan for 2013-2019 are presented in the article. Authors established that the disease was recorded throughout the study period in various settlements and farms of the region. During monitoring studies in the municipal district, where the real work was carried out in 20052008, the level of infection of animals, on average, was 23,64%, the incidence rate - 2,88%. In 2013-2017 BLV infection was recorded almost every year in 35,29% of households. At the same time, the level of infection of animals annually ranged from 1,68 in 2013 to 6,74% in 2014, with a tendency to decrease to 2,68% in 2015, 1,92-2,53% in 2016-2017, making up, on average, 3,11±0.93% of the number examined for the analyzed five years. With the implementation of the republican target program in the region, cattle serological coverage increased from 4,04% in 2013-2017 to 84,27% in 2018-2019. At the same time, the incidence of new cases of seropositive animals decreased from 3,11 to 1,87%, respectively. In particular, the number of farms that were safe on BLV infection has increased, on average, from 8,8 to 60. In 2019 out of 92 agricultural enterprises, peasant farms, personal subsidiary farms, and individual entrepreneurial farms, 76 (82,61%) were prosperous on leukemia. In 16 (17,39%) households the infection of animals with leukemia virus was from 0,28 to 39,33%. Authors recommended timely removal of not only seropositive animals from the herd, but also regular serological examination of the herd to identify animals in direct contact with previously isolated virus carriers in bovine leukemia dysfunctional farms, which is the basis for recovery and control of epizootic well-being for leukemia. 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Shikhragimov Eldar M., Scientific Researcher of the laboratory of infectious pathology of farm animals of the Caspian zonal research veterinary institute - branch of the Federal agrarian scientific center of the Republic of Dagestan; 88, Dakhadaev st., Makhachkala, 367000; phone: 8-988-7969462; e-mail: shikhragimov_eldar@mail.ru. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Budulov Nurdin Ragimkhanovich, D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, Chief Scientific Researcher of of the laboratory of infectious pathology of farm animals of the Caspian zonal research veterinary institute - branch of the Federal agrarian scientific center of the Republic of Dagestan; 88, Dakhadaev st., Makhachkala, 367000; phone:8-963-7939455; e-mail: budulov1951@mail.ru.