DOI 10.33861/2071-8020-2019-5-6-9 Ryadchikov V.G., Shlyakhova O.G., Tantavi A.A., Fileva N.S. Summary. Livestock production in Krasnodar region can be improved significantly by the introduction of protected amino acids (lysine and methionine) in the diets of animals. This will reduce the cost of protein components in the diet, increase the profitability of the industry, and also contribute to the improvement of the environmental situation, by reducing nitrogen excretion. An experiment was conducted on the farm in Krasnodar region for a total duration of 50 days. The experiment involved 4 cows, each of which was fed three different diets (by the method of the Latin square) containing amino acids (lysine, methionine and lysine+methionine) and one standard diet, without the use of protected amino acids. It was found that the standard (basic) diet of the animals that were reared on the farm was not balanced by limiting amino acids. In addition, the first limiting amino acid in the diet was lysine. Although an introduced additive (+lysine) was added, the lack of lysine was not compensated. Methionine was the 2nd limiting amino acid in the composition of the basic ration. In the group with protected methionine - the deficiency is covered with a surplus. The highest milk yield was obtained from cows with the combined addition of lysine and methionine in their diet. In relation to control, the average daily milk yield in the group with combined additives (lysine+methionine) was 38.4 kg/day which exceeded the standard control level by 4.3%. In the group with lysine the excess of control ration was 2.7%. In addition, there was a positive effect of lysine and the combined additive on protein and fat in milk. Protected methionine had no effect on the yield of fat and protein in milk. It was noted that additives of protected amino acids in groups with lysine and combined amino acids reduced the cost of dry matter and metabolizable energy per kg of milk. The results of our studies have shown that the productive milk response and its components are affected by the amount of the first limiting amino acid in the diet. Also, the supply of protected lysine changed the plasma concentration of animals and improved the availability of amino acids for milk protein synthesis. Keywords: large horned cattle, highly productive cows, amino acids, protected amino acids, lysine, methionine, lactation period, plasma amino acids, factorial method. References: 1. Agafonov V.I., Kalnitskiy B.D., Lysov A.V., Kharitonov E.L., Kharitonov L.V. 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Ryadchikov V.G., Shlyakhova O.G., Tantavi A.A., Fileva N.S. Potrebnost laktiruyushch korov v nezamenimykh aminokislotakh [Essential amino acids necessity for lactating cows]. - Krasnodar, 2019 (148 (04)). - pp. 1-39. - http:// ej.kubagro.ru/2019/04/pdf/33.pdf. 6. Shlyakhova O.G. Produktivnost, zdorovie, obmen aminokislot u korov pri balansirovanii ratsionov po obmennomu belku i usvoyaemym aminokislotam v perekhodnyy period i pik laktatsii [Productivity, health, amino acid metabolism in cows when balancing diets for metabolic protein and digestible amino acids in the transition period and peak lactation]. - Borovsk, 2013. - 23 p. 7-21. Vide supra. Author affiliation: Ryadchikov Viktor G., Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, D.Sc. in Biology, professor of the Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin; 13, Kalinina st., Krasnodar, 350044; e-mail: ryadchikovv@mail.ru. Tantavi Abuelkassem A., post-graduate student of the Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin; 13, Kalinina st., Krasnodar, 350044; e-mail: kasem1988bakr@gmail.com. Fileva Nina S., post-graduate student of the Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin; 13, Kalinina st., Krasnodar, 350044. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Shlyakhova Oksana G., Ph.D. in Biology, docent of the Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin; 13, Kalinina st., Krasnodar, 350044; phone: 8-989-7777007; e-mail: ganch3030@mail.ru.