UDC 619:616-089; 619:616-7 Albertin S.V. Summary. Author proposes a modification of a previously developed apparatus for stereotaxic fixation of the spine of animals, differing in that the pelvic bone clamp, spine process clamp, and clips vertebral bodies made detachable composed of three component parts: the support carriage, the clamp of the corresponding assignment and the articulating rods, while the articulating rods are made figured with the possibility of axial movement and rotation, and the end parts of the clamps and bearing carriages are equipped with pro-points for mounting shaped rods and fixation screws. The difference of the proposed device is also in that the carrying carriages of the device are equipped with through, coaxially arranged cylindrical channels for the installation of a screw, equipped with a stopper and running nuts, the rotation of which ensures a smooth movement of the carriages. The constructive features of the device suggested by the author make it possible to control the position of the vertebrae during the operation and stably hold them in the achieved position under performing operative procedures for decompression of the spinal cord and stabilization of the spinal column in animals with traumatic spinal injuries. The execution of the clips with detachable (sliding) also allows to articulate the proposed stereotaxic apparatus with standard head-holders whose frames have a different size, which provides fixation of animals of the different species and size (rats, rabbits, cats, dogs). Key words: spinal injury, congenital abnormalities of the spinal column, stereotaxic fixation, surgical treatment and rehabilitation, decompression of the spinal cord, vertebral reposition, spinal traction, spinal column stabilization, operational testing of sensorimotor reactions, possibility of autonomous and combined use with standard head holders. References 1. Albertin S.V. Ustroystvo dlya khirurgicheskoy immobilizatsii zhivotnykh s travmaticheskimi povrezhdeniyami spinnogo mozga [Device for surgery immobilization of animals with spinal injury]. - Veterinaria Kubani. - Krasnodar, 2017 (5). - pp. 15-18. 2-8. Vide supra. Author affiliation: Albertin Sergey V., Senior Scientific Researcher, Pavlov Institute of Physiology of the Russian Academy of Sciences; 6, Makarova emb., Saint-Petersburg, 199034; phone: 8-963-327-96-86; e-mail: salber1@infran.ru.- responsible for correspondence with the editorial board.