UDC 619:579.23:591.4 Kilmetova I.R., Strunin B.P., Togobitskaya D.R., Rodin I.A., Shantyz A.Yu. Summary. Surfactants are currently of great interest for veterinary medicine, as preparation resistance to them develops slowly, their toxicity is low, effect is complex. It is the most perspective group of cationic antiseptics as it can be applied in medicine and veterinary medicine as antiseptic with a wide spectrum of fungicidal and bactericidal action. Of practical interest is the study of the efficiency of the new domestic preparation on the basis of polyhexamethyleneguanidine hydrochloride of roxacin-M, produced by Bazis Ltd. (Ufa). The aim of this work was to study the stability of roxacin-M using the method of accelerated «aging» and investigated the activity against some microorganisms. Screening of the monomer with different degrees of polycondensation revealed the minimum overwhelming concentration of roxacin-M and its influence on the activity against some microorganisms. Terms of storage of the preparation were established by the method of accelerated «aging». The degree of impact on the body of roxacin-M refers to moderately hazardous substances. It is established that optimal antibacterial properties of roxacin-M was at average degree of polycondensation of n=12 (term of storage - 180 days). Keywords: antiseptics, guanidine derivatives, roxacin-M, polycondensation, biological activity, microorganisms, stability, storage, spectroscopy, active ingredient. References: 1. Vointseva I.I., Polikarpov N.Yu. O vliyanii polimernoy prirody guanidinsoderzhashchikh antiseptikov na ikh biotsidnye svoystva i toksichnost [Effect of polymer nature of guanidine-containing antiseptics on their biocidal properties and toxicity]. - Barer bezopasnosti. - Moscow, 2005 (9). - pp. 19-23. 2. Gembitskiy P.A., Vointseva I.I. Polimernyy bakteritsidnyy preparat poligeksametilenguanidin [Polymer bactericidal preparation polyhexamethylenegu anidine]. - Zaporozhe: Poligrafist, 1998. - 42 p. 3. Grenkova T.A., Sheremeteva S.V., Kruts K.G. Perspektivnye kompleksnye dezinfitsiruyushchie sredstva na osnove soley poliguanidina [Perspective complex disinfectants based on polyguanidine salts]. - Poliklinika. - Moscow, 2005 (4). - p. 28. 4. Efimov K.M., Gembitskiy P.A., Snezhko A.G. Poliguanidiny - klass malotoksichnykh dezinfitsiruyushchikh sredstv prolongirovannogo deystviya [Polyguanidines - class of low-toxic disinfectants of pro-longed action]. - Moscow, 2000 (4). - pp. 3-12. 5. Medvedev I.N., Naumov M.M., Pavlov M.N. Primenenie PGMG v veterinarii [Use of PGMG in veterinary medicine]. - Uspekhi sovremennogo estestvoznaniya. - Moscow, 2006 (5). - pp. 64-67. 6. Polikarpov N.A. Deystviya poliguanidinov na makro- i mikroorganizmy [Polyguanidine action on macro- and microorganisms]. - Farmakologiya i toksikologiya. - Moscow, 2008 (7). - pp. 14-15. 7. Strunina I.B., Pakhomova T.B., Gurevich P.A. et al. Issledovanie processa polucheniya gidrokhlorida poligeksametilenguanidina [Study of the process of obtaining polyhexamethyleneguanidine hydrochloride]. - Vestnik Kazanskogo tekhnologicheskogo universiteta. - Kazan, 2009 (3). - pp. 71-76. Author aff illation: Strunin Boris P., D.Sc. in Technics, director of the Bazis Ltd.; 112/1, Industrialnoe shosse st., Ufa, 450027; e-mail: polyvitt@yandex.ru. Togobitskaya Diana R., graduate student, Bazis Ltd.; 112/1, Industrialnoe shosse st., Ufa, 450027; e-mail: poll.za@yandex.ru. Rodin Igor A., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, professor, Department of anatomy, veterinary obstetrics and surgery of the Kuban state agrarian university named after I.T Trubilin; 13, Kalinina st., Krasnodar, 350044; phone: 8-918-4350549; e-mail: d22003807@mail.ru. Shantyz Aliy U., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, professor, Department of anatomy, veterinary obstetrics and surgery of the Kuban state agrarian university named after I.T. Trubilin; 13, Kalinina st., Krasnodar, 350044; phone: 8-918-338999; email: a.shantyz@mail.ru. Responsible for correspondence with the editornal board: Kilmetova Inna R., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, Deputy Director of Polivit Ltd; 112/1, Industrialnoe shosse st., Ufa, 450027; e-mail: innakilmetova@yandex.ru.