UDC 619:614.48:636.2.053 Shaimukhametov M.A., Ivanov A.I., Strunin B.P., Kilmetova I.R. Summary. Disinfection holds one of the most important places in the system of veterinary-sanitary measures. Surfactants are of great interest for modern veterinary medicine, cause they have low toxicity. Cationic surfactants are regarded to be the best in this, as they combine surface activity and bactericidal properties. Preparation Roxacyne was synthesized in LTD Basis. The purpose of research was to study the efficacy of disinfection by Roxacyne at decontamination of calf house at Escherichiosis of calves. 2% aqueous solution of Roxacyne and Kärcher aerosol generator at rate of 0.3 l/m3 were used during aerosol disinfection. Efficiency of aerosol disinfection was evaluated after 1, 2, and 3 hours exposure by examining the level of microbial contamination of surfaces before and after disinfection. Diagnosis on escherichiose of calves may be set on the basis of a complex epizootic data, clinical signs and laboratory results. Pathogen E. coli, as well as Proteus vulgaris were isolated from calves during bacteriological examination of faeces. Roxacyne was active against Escherichia coli and Proteus vulgaris – it decontaminate studied objects, floors, walls, feeding and drinking troughs completely after 3 hours of exposure. Thus results of the study showed that Roxacyne in 2% aqueous concentration at the rate of 0.3 l/m3 and 3h exposition has pronounced disinfection activity at Escherichiosis of calves. Key words: calves, Escherichiosis, Escherichia coli, Proteus vulgaris, calf houses, disinfection, Roxacyne, aerosol generator, application rate, exposure, microbial contamination. References: 1. Vointseva I.I., Gembitskii P.A. Poliguanidiny – dezinfektsionnye sredstva i polifunktsionalnye dobavki v kompozitsionnye materialy [Polyguanidine – disinfectants and polyfunctional additives in composites]. – LKM-press. – Moscow, 2009. – 303 p. 2. Gafarov Kh.Z., Ivanov A.V., Nepoklonov E.A. Mono- i smeshannye infektsii diarei novorozhdennykh teliat i porosiat [Mono- and mixed infections of diarrhea in newborn calves and piglets]. – Fen. – Kazan, 2002. – 20 p. 3. Kondratov V.A. Gigienicheskaia otsenka novogo polimernogo flokkulyanta poligeksametilenguanidina [Hygienic assessment of new polymer flocculant polyhexamethyleneguanidine]. – Gigiena i sanitariia. – Moscow, 1992 (3). – pp. 11-13. 4. Lifentsova M.N., Antipov V.A. Aerozolnoe primenenie preparata roksatsin dlia profilaktiki bronkhopnevmonii teliat [Roxacyne aerosol use for prevention of bronchopneumonia in calves]. – KNIVI. – Krasnodar, 2011. – pp. 226-229. Author affiliation: Shaimukhametov Marat A., post-graduate student of the department of infectious diseases, zoohygiene and veterinary-sanitary expertise of the Bashkir State Agrarian University; 34, 50 Let Oktiabria st., Ufa, 450001; e-mail: a23b12c90@bk.ru. Ivanov Aleksandr, D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, professor of the department of infectious diseases, zoohygiene and veterinary-sanitary expertise of the Bashkir State Agrarian University; 34, 50 Let Oktiabria st., Ufa, 450001; e-mail: pugapchev@mail.ru. Strunin Boris P., D.Sc. in Technics, director of LTD. Basis; 112/1, Industrialnoe shosse st., Ufa, 450027; phone: 8(347)242-74-56; e-mail: polyvitt@yandex.ru. Responsible for the correspondence with the editorial board: Kilmetova Inna R., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, vice director for veterinary medicine of LTD. Polyvit; 112/1, Industrialnoe shosse st., Ufa, 450027; phone: 8(347)242-74-56; e-mail: innakilmetova@yandex.ru.