UDC 636.4.085/13 Omarov M.O., Osmanova S.O., Slesareva O.A. Summary. Free amino acids in blood, tissues and organs is a substrate for protein synthesis. Their concentration in the blood reflects, on the one hand, the qualitative and quantitative amino acid side inflow feeding and result in degradation of the proteins of the body, the other - the outflow on protein synthesis in the body. Several researchers used a pool of free amino acids in plasma and organs to determine the biological value of protein, animal requirements for amino acids, state of protein metabolism. Results of an experiment to study the effect of different forms of nutritional balance of diets in laboratory animals on the content of free amino acids in the tissues and organs of animals are presented in the article. It is proved that the amount of free amino acids in the diet of the corrected bodies at lower than a deficiency of essential amino acids. Amino acid composition of the diet is clearly reflected in the level of free amino acids in blood plasma, deficit of amino acids in the liver is not lower, and even higher than in the liver of rats treated with a well balanced diet. This indicates that the myocyte plasma membrane barrier and has a regulatory function for the transport of blood cells in such a set of free amino acids which provides the normal functioning of muscle cells. Key words: white rats, blood, liver, muscle tissue, amino acids, proteins, diet, protein synthesis, deficiency, imbalance, pool of free amino acids, substrate, lysine, methionine, threonine. References: 1. Abdulkadyrov K., Kaleniuk V.F., Shmanenkov N.A. 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