UDС 619:618. 14-002-085:636. 22/28 PHYSIOLOGY OF ADAPTATION AND HOMEOSTASIS OF COWS IN CONDITIONS OF SHARP-CONTINENTAL CLIMATE Beloborodenko A.M., Rodin I.A., Beloborodenko M.A., Beloborodenko T.A. Summary. Researches were conducted in farms in various climatic zones of Northern Transurals during the period from 2005 to 2013, on highly productive cows and cows with an average productivity. Necessary clinical, physiological, obstetric, gynecologic, hysterographic and laboratory studies were conducted directly in farms, and also at the department of obstetrics and noncontagious diseases of animals of the State agrarian university of Northern Transurals. Scientific-production researches showed that indoor temperature increases the average value of cardiointervals and their magnitude. Amplitude reflects stabilizing effect of centralization of heart rhythm control, and generally this effect is caused by influence of sympathetic vegetative nervous system. Equation of cardiorhythm is observed in cows at temperature increase at simultaneous strengthening of activity of sympathetic vegetative nervous system. Thus, insignificant tachycardia with simultaneous increase in amplitude and scope variation is observed in cows in the conditions of sharp and continental climate of Northern Transurals and differences of air temperatures, while sympathetic branch of vegetative nervous system greatly predominate in vegetative balance that is accompanied by tension of regulatory systems of the organism responsible for maintenance of the temperature homeostasis. All this testifies that sharply continental climate and low temperatures in winter are the strong stressful factor having an adverse effect on functioning of reproductive and other physiological systems, and also resistance and productivity of animals. Key words: physiology of adaptation, homeostasis, sharply continental climate, hypodynamy, corrective activities, reproductive system, resistance. References: 1. Beloborodenko A.M., Beloborodenko T.A. Reproduktivnaya aktivnost korov v usloviyakh gipodinamii [Reproductive activity of the cows in the conditions of inactivity]. – Tyumen, 1999. –pp. 195-196. 2. Beloborodenko A.M., Beloborodenko T.A., Dunaev P.V. Ispolzovanie mestnykh prirodnykh tselebnykh faktorov v profilaktike besplodiya i poslerodovykh oslozhneniy u krupnogo rogatogo skota [Use of local natural medicinal factors in the prevention of infertility and postnatal complications in cattle]. – Omsk, 2000. –pp. 174-175. 3. Beloborodenko A.M., Beloborodenko M.A., Beloborodenko T.A. Prichiny besplodiya u korov [Causes of infertility in cows]. – Tyumen, 2002. –pp. 26-27. 4. Beloborodenko A.M, Beloborodenko M.A., Beloborodenko T.A. Kharakteristika reproduktivnogo apparata u korov pri vozdeystvii na organism stress-faktorov [Characteristics reproductive apparatus in cows at the impact on the body’s stress-factors].– Barnaul, 2005. – pp. 27-28. Author affiliation: Beloborodenko Anatoly M., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, professor, Head of the department of obstetrics and noncontagious diseases of the State Agrarian University of Northern Transurals; 7, Respubliki st., Tyumen, 625003; ph.: 89526783449, 89044945179; e-mail: ambeloborodenko@mail.ru. Beloborodenko Mikhail A., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, docent, docent of obstetrics and noncontagious diseases of the State Agrarian University of Northern Transurals; 7, Respubliki st., Tyumen, 625003; ph.: 89526783449, 89044945179; e-mail: ambeloborodenko@mail.ru. Beloborodenko Tatyana A., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, docent, docent of obstetrics and noncontagious diseases of the State Agrarian University of Northern Transurals; 7, Respubliki st., Tyumen, 625003; ph.: 89526783449, 89044945179; e-mail: ambeloborodenko@mail.ru. Responsible for the correspondence with the editors: Rodin Igor A., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, professor, professor of the chair of anatomy, veterinary obstetrics and surgery of the Kuban state agrarian university; 13, Kalinina st., Krasnodar, 350044; 8(861) 221-58-20, 89184350549, е-mail: d22003807@mail.ru.