UDC 619: 616-076 ASSESSMENT OF MORPHOLOGY OF ERYTHROCYTES AFTER INJECTION OF PROPOFOL Matveeva M.V., Usha B.V., Kryukovskaya G.M., Violin B.V. Summary. Influence of propofol on features of condition of plasmatic membranes of erythrocytes at dogs after anesthesia of Anestofol was studied. Experiments were made on five-seven months puppies to whom propofol was injected intravenously during five days in a dose of 0.6 ml/kg of body weight in the form of a medication Anestofol (1%). State of erythrocytes was estimated by method of phase and contrast microscopy on Leica DM 1000 microscope with the use of increase ×1000 in 3, 5 and 15 days after the first introduction of Anestofol. Under influence of Anestofol at dogs in the first three days of introduction of the medication there was noted change of a membrane of the erythrocytes, being shown by emergence in blood of ellyptocytes, target cells, stomatocytes, echinocytes and spherecytes. Gradually at the expense of compensatory mechanisms of an organism the picture of blood was normalized and in 10 days after the last injection of Anestofol physiological standard was registered. Sensitivity of cellular membranes of erythrocytes to preparations, in particular, to anesthetics, is an important indicator and can be recommended for an assessment of safety of applied preperations. Keywords: erythrocyte, stomatocyte, echinocyte, ellyptocyte, spherecyte, Anestofol, propofol, anesthesia, preparations, microscope. References 1. Kozlovskaya L.V., Nikolaev A.Yu., Uchebnoe posobie po klinicheskim laboratornym metodam issledovaniya [Textbook on clinical laboratory texts]. - Meditsina. - Moscow, 1985. 2. Lutsay V.I., Kryukovskaya G.M., Matveeva M.V., Maryushkina T.O., Izmenenie morfologii eritrotsitov koz posle torakalnogo vmeshatelstva na rebernom karkase [Changes in goats’ red blood cells’ morphology after thoracic rib hull intervention]. - Veterinarnaya praktika. - 2011 (3 (54)). - pp. 20-25. 3. Makarov A.V., Issledovaniya krovi v klinicheskoy praktike [Hematological studies in clinical practice]. - Triada-X. - Moscow, 1997. - 480 p. 4. Pervushin Yu.V., Lugovskaya S.A., Marchenko L.A., Kovalevich N.I. Gematologicheskie issledovaniya v klinicheskoy laboratornoy diagnostike [Hematological studies in clinical laboratory diagnostics]. - Stavropol, 2006. 5. Shiffman, F.G. Patofiziologiya krovi [Blood pathophisiology]. - Moscow, 2000. Author affiliation: Usha Boris V., Academician of the RAAS, Head of the Departament of Noncontagious Diseases of the Moscow State University of Food Productions; 3, Talalikhina st., Moscow, 109316; phone: 8 (499) 750-01-11; e-mail: vetsan@mgupp.ru. Kryukovskaya Galina M., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, Docent of the Department of Noncontagious Diseases of the Moscow State University of Food Productions; 3, Talalikhina st., Moscow, 109316; phone: 8 (499) 750-01-11; e-mail: vetsan@mgupp.ru. Violin Boris V., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, Head of the Department of the All-Russian State Center of Quality and Standardization of Medicines for Animals and Feed; 5, Zvenigorodskoye hgw., Moscow, 123022; e-mail: b_viol@yahoo.com. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Matveeva Margarita V., applicant of the Department of Noncontagious Diseases of the Moscow State University of Food Productions; 109316, Moscow, Talalikhina st., 3; phone: 8(499) 750-01-11; e-mail: margofree@yandex.ru.