UDС 619:616.36 DIAGNOSTIC VALUE OF BIOCHEMICAL INDICES OF BLOOD AT HEPATOLOGY Kuzminova E.V, Semenenko M.P, Starikova E.A, Mikhaleva T.V. Summary. Article presents experimental data on the evaluation of blood biochemical parameters with abnormal liver function of highly productive cattle. Studies allowed authors to determine changes in protein, carbohydrate, lipid, vitamin and mineral metabolism of the body of cows in the period of greatest stress of homeostatic systems. Cows and heifers of 7-9th months of pregnancy, as well as lacquered cows during different phases of lactation have abnormality in the protein spectrum of blood serum, which is a characteristic of functional liver failure and shows the fall in albumin and less beta-globulin. Analysis of the blood of these animals revealed a decrease in blood glucose, triglycerides and urea. In this study the activity of enzymes - transaminases, gamma glutamyl transpeptidase. In this study the activity of enzymes - transaminases, gamma glutamyl transpeptidase and alkaline phosphatase were within the upper values of the species norm. The most sensitive laboratory parameters, so-called markers of cholestasis γ-glutamyl, and alkaline phosphatase rose by an average of 10% of the cases, and was registered cholestatic syndrome of these animals. A moderate increase in serum aminotransferase was revealed (aspartat aminotrarsferase level was increased by an average of 28-63% of the upper limit of normal, and alanine aminotransferase — by 33-87%). The most significant changes in blood biochemical factors in diseases of the hepatobiliary system, which can be used for in vivo diagnosis of diseases of the liver in high-yielding dairy cattle, are identified. Key words: veterinary medicine, pathology, metabolism, liver, intoxication, hepatology, biochemical tests, blood, cattle, laboratory diagnostics. References: 1. Alekhin Yu.N. Bolezni pecheni u vysokoproduktivnyh korov (diagnostika, profilaktika i terapiya) [Diseases of the liver in high yielding cows (diagnosis, prevention and therapy). – Veterinariya. – Moscow, 2011 (6). – pp. 6-11. 2. Antipov V.A., Semenenko M.P., Basova N.Yu., Turchenko A.N., Sapunov A.Ya., Kuzminova E.V., Vysokopoyasny A.N., Shevkoplyas V.N., Fontanetsky A.S. Povyshenie sokhrannosti i produktivnogo zdorovya importnogo molochnogo skota [Safety and health improvment of productive imported dairy cattle]. – Krasnodar, 2009. – 63 p. 3. Belyaev V.A., Safonovskaya E.V., Letov I.I. Lechebno-profilakticheskaya effektivnost Ekstraselena pri patologiyakh poslerodovogo perioda u korov [Therapeutic and prophylactic efficacy of Extraselen at pathologies of postpartum cows]. – Zootekhniya. – Moscow, 2010 (9). – pp. 26-27. 4. Kuzminova E.V., Semenenko M.P., Kashchaev A.G., Solovyov V.S. Sredstvo dlya normalizatsii obmennykh protsessov u zhivotnykh [Preparation for normalization of metabolic processes in animals]. – Pat. 2423109, Rossiyskaya Federatsiya, 10.07.2011 (19). 5. Mishchenko V.A. Analiz prichin zabolevaniy vysokoproduktivnykh korov [Analysis of the causes of diseases of highly productive cows]. – Orel, 2008. – pp. 9-10. 6. Vursa I., Klein Z., Kucerova I. Hepatopatie u dojnic - aktualni problem velkochovu // Veterinarstvi, 1988. - P. 153-155. Author affiliation: Semenenko Marina P., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, Pharmacology Laboratory manager of the Krasnodar Scientific-Research Veterinary Institute; 1, 1-st Line st., Krasnodar, 350004; phone: 8 (861) 221-62-20; e-mail: sever291@mail.ru. Starikova Elena A., post-graduate student of the pharmacology laboratory of the Krasnodar Scientific-Research Veterinary Institute; 1, 1-st Line st., Krasnodar, 350004; phone: 8 (861) 221-62-20; e-mail: star_9899@mail.ru. Mikhaleva Tatiana V., post-graduate student of the pharmacology laboratory of the Krasnodar Scientific-Research Veterinary Institute; 1, 1-st Line st., Krasnodar, 350004; phone: 8 (861) 221-62-20; e-mail: tatyanamihaleva@mail.ru. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Kuzminova Elena V., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, leading researcher of the Krasnodar Scientific-Research Veterinary Institute; 1, 1-st Line st., Krasnodar, 350004; phone: 8 (861) 2216220, e-mail: niva1430@mail.ru.