UDC 619:616.98:578.833.31(470.620) CLINICAL SIGNS AND PATHOMORPHOLOGICAL CHANGES AT AFRICAN SWINE FEVER IN KRASNODAR REGION Dzhailidi G.A., Shevchenko A.A., Chernykh V.O., Chernykh O.Yu. Summary. African swine fever (ASF) is a highly contagious disease of pigs and is characterized by fever, extensive hemorrhages and cyanosis of the skin, severe dystrophic and necrotic lesions of the cells of reticuloendothelial system, internal organs and high mortality rate. Аccording to OIE African swine fever was established in 8 countries in 2007. Epizootic situation on ASF in the Russian Federation remains tense. African swine fever was first registered in Krasnodar region in November of 2008 at domestic pigs in the pig-breeding complex of closed type JSC "Kuban" (Novokubansk). Later ASF has spread on pig farms of different forms of ownership. Authors studied clinical signs and pathological changes of African swine fever in pig breeding farms of different forms of ownership in Krasnodar region. In industrial conditions authors observed acute and sub-acute courses of disease which depended on the virulence of the virus. Acute form is characterized by a sudden pyrexia, anorexia, shortness of breath and deep prostration. Cyanotic areas, red-bluish spots are observed on ears, neck, skin of limbs. Disease duration – 5-9 days. Intermittent body temperature, depression and pneumonia are observed at sub-acute form. Duration is prior to 10-18 days. Hemorrhagic lymphadenitis, nephritis, pneumonia, endocarditis were observed at autopsy. Keywords: African swine fever, epizootic situation, pig-breeding farm, domestic pigs, clinical signs, pathoanatomical changes, epizooty, outbreak. References 1. Orlyankin B.G. Afrikanskaya chuma sviney: epizootologiya, patogenez, klinicheskie priznaki, diagnostika, profilaktika i patizmeneniya [African swine fever: epizootology, pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis, prevention and pathological changes]. — Moscow, 2008. — pp. 213-220. 2. Bakulov I.A., Vologina I.V. Epizooticheskaya situatsiya po osoboopasnym boleznyam zhivotnykh v 2007-2008 na osnove novoy klassifikatsii MEB [Epizootic situation on a particularly dangerous animal diseases in 2007-2008 on the basis of the new OIE classification]. – Pokrov, 2008. – pp. 6-13. 3. Kurinnov V.V., Shevchenko A.A., Chernykh O.Yu. Vspyshka afrikanskoy chumy sviney v khozyaystve zakrytogo tipa [African swine fever outbreak in the closed type farm]. – Krasnodar, 2009. – pp. 57-61. 4. Gromyko E.V., Shevchenko A. A., Grin V.A., Chernykh O.Yu. Afrikanskaya chuma sviney v Krasnodarskom kraye [African swine fever in Krasnodar region]. – Veterinariya Kubani. – Krasnodar, 2012 (1). – pp. 3-4. 5. Shevchenko A.A., Shevchenko L.V., Shevkoplyas V.N., Chernykh O.Yu., Kurinnov V.V., Chernykh V.O. Epizootologicheskie osobennosti afrikanskoy chumy sviney v svinovodcheskom komplekse zakrytogo tipa [African swine fever epizootologic features in pig-breeding complex of closed type].– Krasnodar, 2011. –pp. 126-129. Author affiliation: Dzhailidi Georgy A., Ph. D. in Biology, Head of the State Veterinary Department of Krasnodar region; 36, Rashpilevskaya st., Krasnodar, 350000; phone: 8 (861) 262-19-23; e-mail: dga@uv.krasnodar.ru. Shevchenko Aleksandr A., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, professor, Head of the department of microbiology, epizootology and virology of the Kuban State Agrarian University; 13, Kalinina st., Krasnodar; phone: 8 (861)221-58-20. Chernykh Vladimir O., applicant of the department of microbiology, epizootology and virology of the Kuban State Agrarian University; 13, Kalinina st., Krasnodar; phone +7 (86138) 6-23-14; e-mail: gukkvl50@kubanvet.ru. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Chernykh Oleg Yu., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, director of the Kropotkin territorial veterinary laboratory; 303, Krasnoarmeyskaya st., Kropotkin, 352380; phone +7 (86138) 6-23-14; e-mail: gukkvl50@kubanvet.ru.