KravchenkoV. M. Summary All cats with microfilarias in blood have been divided into six groups. Oppression, total absence of appetite, exhaustion, thirst, periodic vomiting and diarrhea, cyanosis or icterus of conjunctiva, painful palpation of abdominal wall and hematuria were marked at animals of the first group. Oppression, periodic absence of appetite, exhaustion, anemia or cyanosis of mucous membranes, abnormal sounds in lungs were marked at cats of the second group. Oppression, periodic absence of appetite, exhaustion, hurried breathing, anemia or cyаnosis of mucous membranes were revealed at animals of the third group. Periodic oppression, periodic absence of appetite, anemia or cyanosis of mucous membranes were marked at cats of the fourth group. Periodic oppression and periodic appetite decreased at cats of the fifth group. Periodic oppression was observed at animals of the sixth group. Conducted researches showed that clinical signs of dirofilariasis at cats have big variability. Hematologic indices of blood of sick cats also possess the big variability and consequently it isn’t possible to subdivide animals to this sign. Key words: blood, cats, nematodes, Dirofilaria immitis, Dirofilaria repens, morphological and biochemical indices, clinical signs. References - Arkhipov I.A., Bashankaev V.A., Arkhipova D.R. Rasprostranenie dirofilarioza i patogennaya rol ego vozbuditeley dlya sobak, koshek i cheloveka [Distribution of dirofilariasis and pathogenic role of its causative agents for dogs, cats and people]. – Moscow, 2002:рр. 22-24.
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Author affiliation Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Kravchenko Victor M., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, docent of the department of anatomy of agricultural animals of the Kuban State Agrarian University; 13, Kalinina st., Krasnodar, 340044; phone: 8-918-41-62-175,e-mail:tinol65@bk.ru.