Kablucheeva T.I., Ambulova N.G. Summary Poultry farming is one of the most developed sectors in Russian agriculture which main object is to receive qualitative and useful production. The cause of the problem of withdrawal of young grow is low immunity due to stress and poor feeding. Probiotics Rodafen was applied in different dosages to increase immunity of broiler-chickens. Middle dosage of probiotics is effective in feeding of chickens to eleven daily age, and maximal dosage – until slaughter weight. For experience 5 groups of chickens up to 100 heads were created: 1-st group – control (without preparations); 2-nd group – forage with the probiotics in an average dosage; 3-rd group – probiotics in the minimum dosage; 4-th group – probiotics in the maximum dosage; 5-th group – with application of antibiotics. Rodafen was applied in various dosages that allowed to reveal its influence on morphological, biochemical, immunological indices of blood and the general live weight of a bird. Live weight and consumption of a forage testify that chickens of the 4-th group for the end of experience got weight of 23-65 g, but thus consumed forages (124,4g) more, and chickens of the 2 group had the greatest weight in 11 days (269,52 g), but thus – with the smallest consumption of a forage (93,5 g). Key words: probiotics, rodafen, bird, biochemisnry, morphology, indexes, blood, immunity, life weight. References - Buyarov V.S., Belyanikhin V.A. Primenenie probiotikov v broylernom ptitsevodstve [Use of probiotics in broiler industry]. – Ptitsevodstvo, 2006 (6). –pp. 12-13.
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Author affiliation Ambulova Natalia G., postgraduate student of the faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Kuban State Agrarian University; 1, 10 a, Ostrovskogo st., Raevskaya vllg., Novorossiysk; phone: 8(918) 1490032; email: find.life@mail.ru. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Kablucheeva Tatyana I., Ph.D. in Biology, docent of the department of microbiology, epizootology and virology of the faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Kuban State Agrarian University; 13, Kalinina st., Krasnodar, 350044;phone: 8(918) 455 37 98; email: kotenok172007@yandex.ru.