DOI 10.33861/2071-8020-2021-5-41-42 Chekrysheva V.V., Klimenko A.I. Summary. This article presents data on the study of hereditary predisposition to diseases of the mammary gland in cats. The studies were carried out on the basis of veterinary clinics in the cities of Rostov-on-Don, Novocherkassk, Shakhty for 8 years. In the course of the research, a predisposition to the development of mastitis in cats of various breeds with a history of breast disease in the parents was established. A direct relationship was revealed between the incidence of mastitis in daughters and mothers with a history of breast diseases (86.9%). At the same time, mothers without breast disease in the anamnesis were noted in 13% of cases, with breast infl ammation – 18.5%, with a diagnosis of mastopathy – 23.2%, with breast tumors – in 45.2% of cases. It was also determined that in cats whose mothers did not have a history of breast disease, mastitis of moderate severity is most often recorded (47.4%), a severe course of the disease is slightly less common (37%), a mild course of mastitis is noted in 15.5% of cases. During the research, it was found that in cats whose mothers had a history of breast disease, moderate and severe mastitis is most often noted, 36.2% and 39.9%, respectively. Slightly less often mild mastitis is recorded in such animals – 23.8%. It has been determined that in daughters from mothers with a history of breast diseases, moderate and severe infl ammation of the mammary gland prevails. Keywords: mastitis, mammary gland, infl ammation of the mammary gland, carnivores, cats, relationship of occurrence, relationship with parents, genetics, hereditary predisposition, anamnesis. References: 1. Studentsov A.P., Shipilov V.S., Nikitin V.Ya. et al. Akusherstvo, ginekologiya i biotekhnika reproduktsii zhivotnykh: uchebnik [Obstetrics, gynecology and biotechnology of animal reproduction: textbook]. – Lan. – Saint Petersburg, 2020. – 548 p. 2. Gurenko I.A., Arzhanova M.A. Rasprostraneniye, etiologiya i klinicheskiye proyavleniya gnoynoy formy mastita u suk v g. Sevastopole [Distribution, etiology and clinical manifestations of purulent mastitis in bitches in Sevastopol]. – Izvestiya selskokhozyaystvennoy nauki Tavridy. – 2013 (155). – pp. 73-78. 3. Zelenevskiy N.V., Zelenevskiy K.N. Anatomiya zhivotnykh: uchebnoe posobie [Anatomy of animals: tutorial]. – Lan. – Saint Petersburg, 2021. - 848 p. 4. Karmaliev R.S. Vnutrennie bolezni sobak, koshek i domashney ptitsy: uchebnoe posobie [Internal diseases of dogs, cats and poultry: tutorial]. – Uralsk, 2013. – 160 p. 5. Chekrysheva V.V., Voitenko L.G., Oblap O.M. Mastit koshek: porodnaya i vozrastnaya predraspolozhennost [Feline mastitis: breed and age predisposition]. – 2018: 12-15. 6. Chekrysheva V.V., Rodin I.A., Gorbacheva Yu.A., Kapustin A.V., Sedov A.V. Effektivnost novoy antibakterialnoy mazi pri mastite u koshek [Effi ciency of a new antibacterial ointment at mastitis in cats]. – Bulletin of the Orenburg State Agrarian University. – Orenburg, 2020 (6 (86)). – pp. 241-244. Author affiliation: Klimenko Aleksandr I., D.Sc. in Agriculture, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor, director of the Federal Rostov Agrarian Scientifi c Center; 1, Institutskaya st. Rassvet sttl., Aksayskiy district, Rostov region, 346735; phone: 8-86350-37389. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Chekrysheva Viktoria V., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, director of the North Caucasian Zonal Scientifi c-Research Veterinary Institute - branch of the Federal Rostov Agrarian Scientifi c Center; 0, Rostovskoe hgw., Novocherkassk, Rostov region, 346421; phone: 8-908-5110139; e-mail: veterinar1987@mail.ru.